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[軟件下載] [賭神之戰-麻將] 跟你喜愛的明星對戰

★★★ 跟你喜愛的明星對戰 ★★★

賭神之戰 -麻將是一隻結合了現今最紅的明星角色, 豐富背景音樂及高清畫面的益智麻將遊戲. 遊戲採用了獨特的A.I智能程式讓玩家感受到真人對手的挑戰. 遊戲絕對能給你最多樣化的嶄新視聽感受. 各位天王天后正在等待你們的挑戰!


► 採用傳統廣東十三張麻將規則, 提供十位對戰明星角色與你玩樂. 遊戲會隨時記憶未完成的牌局, 打牌更沒壓力.

► 提供三種難度給玩家選擇. 同時, 遊戲的人工智慧系統可隨著玩家程度及局面自動調整打法, 讓喜歡麻將的你可以隨時隨地磨練牌技. 詳細番型圖文說明, 無論你是新手還是高手, 賭神之戰都是你必備的遊戲.

► 這是一款萬能通用版app, 能自動默認所有蘋果的不同硬件. 只需要下載一次就能同時在iTouch, iPhone, iPad享有高清全屏視覺享, 不作額外收費.

★★★ War of Mahjong Elites - Asian Superstars ★★★

War of Mahjong Elites is the top mahjong game in Asia that combines attractive asian superstar opponents, unique A.I playing mode, beautiful background music and high definition graphics into a "must-get-app" for mahjong fans around the world.

---Game Features---

► Guangdong Mahjong rules are applied in the game, with a choice of 10 opponents to choose from. Game is automatically saved, so you can relax and enjoy a challenging game anytime.

► The game offers 3 levels of difficulty to choose from. Users will be thrilled by our innovative A.I system whereby opponents will adjust their distinctive playing style as the game progresses. Our step-by-step instructions will allow even amateurs in mahjong to play will skill in a short period of time.

► This is a universal app so 1 download will allow the app to be supported and synced in full-screen HD mode for the iTouch, iPhone, iPad without additional charges.


3Q, 謝謝分享! 收下了.
thx 4 sharing
very nice
Thanks 4 sharing....