在南非有對夫婦Colin和Theony McRae養了一隻長頸鹿當寵物,並且替牠取名為「Fenne」。「Fenne」是一隻被母親遺棄的孤兒,幸運地被McRae的兒子Craig在南非的灌木叢裡發現時,其生命已經奄奄一息,Craig見狀趕緊通知動物之家人員前來救援。
這家人還特地準備自家位於鄉下大農場的一處空間設為「Fenne」居住的地方, 個性溫和的「Fenne」因為體型太過龐大,有時試著想進入屋內時,就變得十分困難。
牠成功進到屋內後,有時McRae一家人還是得把牠趕出去,因為牠的體型造成其行動變得很不靈活,加上「Fenne」的蹄踩在地板磁磚上時,會使牠在行走時打滑沒辦法站穩。 「為了讓牠不要因為跌倒摔斷了腿,我們就必須非常小心牠的一舉一動。」
Part of the family: Owen McRae, 19, with the family pet giraffe Fenne at home in Cullinan, South Africa
Family Christmas: Fenne lived with the family for two years, roaming around the house and playing with the family and their other pets
Adorable: Fenne loved company and enjoyed playing with the four children
Well-behaved: Fenne poses with guests at the McRae's ranch in South Africa, where she grew up
Joining in the fun: The McRae family eat outdoors, joined by their friendly pet giraffe
Well-behaved: Fenne would take car on the slippery tiles, but was okay walking on the carpets. Sometimes she would step over furniture in her way
Feeling at home: Fenne would just come into the house when she felt like company and was looked after by the four McRae children
Menagerie: Fenne was just another family pet, and even enjoyed playing with the dogs
Happy giraffe: Fenne seemed content living with the McRaes, after she was rescued from the South African bush when she was abandoned by her mother |