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[已解決] 香港 TV 劇集專區附件問题

1 k9 c0 E, ~3 |. i可唔可以在其他版區"借位"把種子貼出,
3 K' @$ l! d; W) Q2 a; t我在大陸的親戚打電話要我qq種子俾佢啦~~~
Appreciate your help to resolve this issue. :)
same problem here as well. does it only apply to "原始人". appreciate your urgent assistance on this. thank  you.
i'm facing this problem too... please..
香港 TV 劇集專區及香港綜藝節目專區的種子或附件看不到是因為伺服器設定出了點問題,目前正在修復中, 請耐心等候!
8 v! M) \4 I% n- m2 N5 c公仔箱論壇go2david 發表於 2012-12-15 05:53 PM