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[遊戲類] [PES 2014 Master League Money Editer Error] & [懸紅1000萬TVB幣]

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本帖最後由 qwerman10258 於 2016-6-9 06:05 PM 編輯

附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件
this one ??
PES 2014 Master League Money Editer Error  ??
exe檔我已經有,但出現ERROR, 求解決~
Don't know setting of your computer can't help!! If you know anybody can install the programme successfully, then the problem is your computer: if not, the problem is from the programme and try to download another version la!
5# hase000

thanks for youe suggestion but that not the solution
try to download and install frame work to run this ware,will require this firm ware from microsoft if after install this not work will send you other version money tool,remember click and download my framework tool install and try than let me know,good luck
附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件
附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件