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Trade creates drama in Lakers win

UntilRon Artest either helps the Lakers defend their title or sabotagestheir effort to do so, the bold decision to sign him with moneyoriginally earmarked for Trevor Ariza will continue to be discussed anddebated.

Artestand Ariza settled nothing in the Lakers' 103-102 overtime victory onWednesday night, but at least they both provided some great theater intheir first head-to-head meeting of the season.

Withthe score tied at 89 and a half minute remaining in regulation, Artestsank a wide-open right-wing three after Kobe Bryant drove to thebasket, drew a double team and kicked it back to him. Itching to geteven, Ariza buried the game-tying 25-footer on the ensuing possessionwhen Artest and Derek Fisher lost sight of him in the scramble after ajump ball.

"Poetic justice," Lakers coach Phil Jackson said.

Said Artest: "I think that was cool for the fans to see."

Theback-to-back threes were certainly the signature moment of anothermemorable Lakers-Rockets clash, but the play that won the game belongedto Fisher.

Theguard who has built his reputation with clutch shooting this time cameup with a game-turning steal, preserving the Lakers' one-point lead bystripping Ariza as he attempted to drive for the potential game-winneron the final play of overtime. Bryant set up the play by denying Arizathe ball, forcing him to receive it farther from the rim than heintended as the clock ticked down.

"Iwas trying to deny him the ball as much as I could, and at that point Ithink they really didn't know what to do," Bryant said. "Trevor got itin a broken-play situation, Fish got his hand in there and knocked itloose."

Althoughthe Lakers have engineered more aesthetically pleasing back-to-backvictories than their consecutive overtime road wins at Oklahoma Cityand Houston, they've rarely had to work harder. Four starters,including an ailing Bryant, played 40-plus minutes for a secondstraight night, a product of a struggling bench and the absence of PauGasol.

Ifthe Rockets were supposed to fade from the playoff picture this seasonwith Artest gone and Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady both hurt, it appearsthey aren't ready to accept that fate just yet. They showcased the samenever-say-die grit they did in taking the Lakers to seven games in thesecond round of the playoffs last May, forcing LA to rally from an80-73 fourth-quarter deficit and then leading for much of overtimeuntil Andrew Bynum's game-winning free throw with 24.7 seconds left.

Bryantled the Lakers with 41 points on 15-for-30 shooting in nearly 49minutes, his second 40-point night in his past three games. Bynum had17 points and 17 rebounds for the Lakers, while Carl Landry led Houstonwith 20 points.

Sportinga fresh haircut meant to say "Lakers" in both Chinese and Korean,Artest scored 15 points on 6-for-14 shooting and punctuated his keylate three-pointer by sprinting to mid-court and signaling timeout tothe boisterous Houston crowd. Ariza also had 15 but on 5-for-21shooting, a sign he may have tried to do too much even though heinsisted that was not the case.

"IfI was a person that looked to get revenge on people, it would be likethat, but I'm not that type of person," Ariza said. "I don't feel anyextra pressure to show them they made a mistake."
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