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cant believe the mother sorryer shot the lion. he kill it!!!!!!~~~ i hope u will be killed asap, the stupid guys even survive.... NO FAIR~~ i hope u die too. hope u both will get shot one day as the lion. :024: TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 w# R3 k# R' A3 V0 q0 G0 F
9 R( C. s1 H, W+ F/ S& W/ R' s3 B7 U
stupid human being. we r the sorrying terrible species in the plane
scary sharing, anywhere thanks.
wow...quite painful....thanks for ur share..
好恶心。。。。 谢谢分享
這個是人類萬物之靈的下場,萬獸之王獅子應是在非洲草原上奔跑的,硬把牠關在鐵籠中表演,那種生物喜歡這樣表演?對獅子之死深感哀痛......www3.tvboxnow.com7 J' _' L8 v8 Y. k- o# y/ B5 @
"一般杂技团的狮子都很温顺的,大家有没有想到是什么事令到这头狮子会这样呢" 温順?! 不見得,只能說屈服......
好猛啊..., B" m* x! u4 K; a: w! S' l1 B3 A
thanks 4 sharing