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[Windows] Reformat 过后D drive 的东西不见了。。

Reformat window XP 在 C drive 过后, D drive 里面东西不见了。。D drive 的 disk space 有用到,但看不到里面有file。。
check过 文件没有被hidden file。。
希望有认可以帮帮我, 谢谢。。
先去scandisk看看D drive是否有问题!

本帖最後由 kbmho810 於 2010-7-14 01:13 AM 編輯

Log on to your computer as administrator. Right click the d: drive and then select "Properties...". Click on "security" then "advanced" then "owner". below the "change owner to:" box select the "Edit"..Come out new window Click the box to "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects". That should just about do it. Hope it works for you, let me know.
Ooh.. thanks.. this is my friend problem.. i ask him when see him in school..