Papers: Roy raids Reds? 12/07/2007 08:42

Keane closes on £5m Kieran
RoyKeane is going back to Manchester United to sign wingerKieranRichardson for Sunderland in a £5.5million deal. And thebig-spendingBlack Cats boss is also offering England wide boyRichardson £35,000 aweek to talk him into joining his Premiershipcampaign. Keane hasdecided to spend Sunderland's millions in a hurryafter beingfrustrated on several fronts – and his cash will see offrival interestfrom Everton who were thinking of half of that sum and afraction ofthe salary. Ricahrdson, who has two goals in eightinternationals, islikely to follow his former skipper to Wearside bythe weekend.
Alan Nixon, Daily Mirror
啱啱响官網睇到! 如果成事的話, 真係曼聯一大喜訊 ~~, 多 5.5m 去幫補吓 (雖然我唔覺佢嘅表現值呢個價 ...)
雖然李察遜可以出任左翼同左後, 而且佢亦十分後生, 有大把進步空間 ... 不過佢表現太過唔穩定同埋太急於表現自己喇
希望佢日後去到新特蘭的話, 可以有更大嘅進步喇 |