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That's right! Taiwan is a wonderful place for mountain climbers, too.
Taiwan is a mountainous and alpine island. The island has the largest number and density of high mountains in the world. There are approximately 165 mountains over 3,000 meters above sea level on the island. Mountaineering is one of the most popular activities for many Taiwanese.
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It's hard for me not to go mountain climbing in Taiwan. I've been doing that for more than 6 years. And I'll continue doing that as long as I can.
Taipei 101 is the only landmark that I know. It is very nice to know that scenery of Taiwan is so beautiful.
我最喜歡台灣的鳳梨酥~ 雖然那是在香港吃到的~. B" W- f' K) Q$ l% r- k
下回一定親自到台灣看看還有那些好吃的東西 :)


  • k23bb

Last summer I went to Taiwan to visit a friend of mine in Kaohsiung. The beaches in the southern part of the island are very beautiful.
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0 y  t. n# o4 s5 h) DTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。初,菲律賓版塊與歐亞版塊相擠,菲在下而歐在上。其相接處日高,終冒出東海之中,臺灣遂立。故島上多險峰,以東側故相接處尤峻,有五山:曰中央山、玉山、阿里山、雪山、海岸山。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 y0 [3 j$ Y2 t$ A6 N$ G
www3.tvboxnow.com) [  S; N& u: W3 V% L5 i
山高積雪,化成諸水。其西流者,挾沙石,積成平埔,沃壤可耕,計有淡水、基隆、濁水、高屏諸水。又有火山、溫泉。周圍小嶼散布,亦有火山成島者。" I# E$ K  `9 g, J( h
公仔箱論壇+ H5 z5 \+ |; W+ g0 }" C. d
3 |8 ~  j' f' o, r7 \( @( w
0 w; G$ [( d. W3 h+ Y2 x4 L臺灣土人,鑿齒文身,近於東洋諸洲。三國時,吳人衛溫嘗一至,擄土著數千人而去。元明以降,閩中漢人始東渡臺灣,以土人為「番」,居平埔者稱「熟番」,處高山者稱「生番」。其後西半可耕之地,幾為漢人所據,熟番與漢人雜居,幾盡。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* i) |* Y0 }4 u3 y0 t( ^
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 m+ ~, X( J, k/ f( |
明時,葡萄牙舶道經臺灣,稱之福爾摩沙,美麗島也(葡萄牙文:Ilha Formosa)。注於海圖之上,傳於泰西,乃成別稱。嗣後,臺灣歷為尼德蘭、西班牙、日本所據。而今則屬中華民國。近世有臺灣立國之聲,然島上二千三百萬口,土著僅四十萬矣。
These photos are very beautiful. I wonder what kind of scenery is in photo #9...
6 l1 P. M2 _9 {4 r8 y8 vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbLooks like the rocks on the sea shore. But I'm not sure...
I've learnt about Formosa when I was in grade school. I was lucky enough to make friends with some Taiwanese students in college. But I never knew Taiwan is such a beautiful island. Definitely I will make a trip to Taiwan in the future.
台灣的景色真是太正點了! 讓我最懷念的是蘭嶼跟綠島...
第九幅是台灣北部老梅村的海岸www3.tvboxnow.com9 l" v6 s1 j0 V/ y8 Y
不錯! 那就是老梅村綠石槽~