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but linlin must have break time too wor...
i hve a very wonderful evening chatting w u lovely people, nice guy, good boy,
charming cat....thk u for a most interesting blow the water...

so many days, did  not watch HK drama...want to watch 万凰之王 now...
u guys have a nice day...gd day, gd 8
Don't go 鬼妹, you lin lin is not here yet
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提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
no leh..dun say like tis  ma..!!!
my pc break down for one wk oledi
cannot watch my HK drama,,,
now pc working a little bit
muz watch lo

chowold veri charming too
he is veri smart but sometimes veri funny too
chowold accompany goldmonk n go2david
let me watch my drama...
sent my regards to linlin ok
You scare of me? I come you go
hug hug 4 chowold..closing tvb now..i will watch my drama now..hve a gd one chowold
Bye bye 鬼妹

kimmicat so missin' all the important people d...
my pc shut down, play a few tantrums, refuse
to start..c ...
kimmi8k 發表於 25-11-2011 11:53 AM
Switch to Mac! Computer cheap in US, its time for you to get a new one for Xmas present
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Sorry lin lin , your 鬼妹 is leaving
Goldmonk and Chowold good
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Old Gold and AD
Switch to Mac!
No way, the computer is good but the software are lousy