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回復 #1 crashersus 的帖子

HI crashersus, I Represent Arsenal Member's to WELCOME You!!

Hope you can visit here more often.

We don't have Arsenal Fans, Manchester Fans, Chelsea Fans or Liverpool Fans here....

We are in One Family : Call " TVBNOW - SPORT FAMILY".

More communication within the Different Clubs Fans would only Help us to increase our Football Knowledge as well as Experiance...

Thank You Crushersus Brother!!:014:
Yo....Jackson...have u read da 版规啊??...but anyway...just sharing with Arsenal's fan lor...

回復 #3 crashersus 的帖子

Hi crashersus brother, sorry i think you have Mis-Interpreted my term's of "VISIT" means 游览,

But 版规 stated clearly that "Others Club Member's Cannot POST or LEAVE COMMENT" means< 发表新帖>AND<发表回复>.

Therefore, <<<Hope you can visit HERE more = 希望你能常来游览>>>

Please be informed that <VISIT = 游览 > and <POST or LEAVE COMMENT = 发表新帖 or 发表回复>

Hope you understand.

Thank You