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Part I: 美國老闆係官網發佈聲明書

Liverpool co-Chairmen Tom Hicks and George Gillett have today released the following statement.  

"We made a significant investment in the playing squad during the summer and desperately want this team to succeed.
"There are some very important games coming up in the next couple of weeks and all of us need to focus on winning those games and getting the best out of the players we already have at the club.
"We will leave any talk of buying or selling players until we come across to Liverpool in December and sit down with the Manager then."  

o甘講者係點??? 有投資就一定要有回報 ??? 係咪要有好成績先會討論比唔比錢買人????



  • canz85

thx 4 the info

because Rafa already used lots of money in strengten the team this season
我真的希望你们都是为了利记好~~我们在一月市场开放时很需要买入一些人材,和卖出sissoko 呀~~!!