本帖最後由 blacker14tt 於 2012-7-10 08:59 AM 編輯 加拿大香港華橋
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teafume 發表於 2012-7-9 02:05 PM  I did mention I'm working in a Japanese language school in Tokyo at first floor. This thread is opened for survey.
Nagoya actually isn't a really big city, so still have some old type people who dosen't like foreigners, but in big city like Hakata you said, and Tokyo, Osaka, this is not a big problem.
I'm living in Tokyo now, and I'm going to get permanent residence here when I reached the application condition. I'm not thinking to get Japanese Citizen right now.
Japanese actually is a follow rules ethnic group, and I like this very much. Everything is 井井有條.
The city is very convenience, you can go everywhere without car. Basically, I like everything here.
If you really want me to point out what I dislike, I will say Japanese 太死板. They do everything base on manual. They do not know how to 轉彎.
But 凡事都要睇雙面, because they 死板, D野先會井井有條, 所有野都有規有矩, just sometimes I feel mad on that because take too long time to do a thing.
Sorry for my English not really good, lazy to write in English correctly. But I think you may understand what I'm saying ^^"
oppps, forget to transfer money, you can use this money to buy some point to upgrade yourself from here: http://www.tvboxnow.com/memcp.php?action=credits (兌換)
| 時間 | 支出 | 操作 | teafume | 2012-7-10 08:56 AM | TVB 150000 元 | 積分轉出 |