Desperate: This is the heart-wrenching moment that a baby elephant stands by her mother's side, mourning her tragic loss
肯亞的馬賽馬拉(Masai Mara)保護園區內,一頭大象寶寶守在死去的大象媽媽身邊,久久不願離去;期間,小象不停的用腿、鼻子推媽媽,希望媽媽能有反應,時間長達數小時之久,最終牠還是接受媽媽再也不會起來的事實,隨象群離去。
這個動人的畫面由野生動物攝影師莎拉史金納(Sarah Skinner,38歲)拍攝,並於5月1日上傳到YouTube。莎拉表示,目睹象群這種令人難以置信的行為,讓她完全被震攝住。

Mourning: The elephants gather in a mourning circle as they take in the loss of the elder elephant

Farewell: The elephant lifts her trunk as she is forced to say her final goodbye to her mother

Realisation: The dead elephant can be seen on its side as the herd encircle the body

Leaving: Even as the other elephants move away the baby prolongs its final moment with its mother

Heartbroken: The elephant reluctantly leaves its mother behind after the attack as the herd move away