係咪做好多野都要考牌? 要考試??
讀書如果唔使我出好多錢既話, 我應該會讀,
其實我對心理學有興趣, 不過驚英文會好難, 同埋出路唔知好唔好, 話晒都已經三張幾.....
有冇new york朋友?? nyc租屋好貴...二房要$1200~1 ...
宙宇 發表於 2013-7-12 05:18 PM  I live in New York! Depends on where you live in New York there are places that cost alot more than $1500 US dollars, but ofcause there are less.Also beside a huge Chinatown. New York has like 3 to 4 other areas that look like Chinatown. Elmhurst, Flushing and 8 Ave. So you can most likely find something to do over in one of those area! Anyway! Good luck! |