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回復 #538 jollybee 的帖子

boring, then you can chat with me la:014:


回復 #541 blueocean  的帖子

ho ar.. let chat... do u know how i can increase my 閱讀權限??? my is at 5 so low...

回復 #542 jollybee 的帖子

increase your 功勳 will increase your 閱讀權限
take your time la....try not to 灌水


回復 #543 blueocean 的帖子

i dun 灌水 that offend or post anything... that one of the reason that i didn't have my 功勳 increase for a long time.... have to reply more post later...~~~ :onion03: :onion03:

回復 #544 jollybee 的帖子

jo妹妹 told me that you are a very nice girl....so, she asks me to help you when you need help....so, now, do you need any help?


SP藥水 m5959 50 送禮 2008-03-18 03:16:47
MP藥水 m5959 50 送禮 2008-03-18 03:16:11
大型MP藥水 m5959 50 送禮 2008-03-18 03:15:47
回復 #545 blueocean 的帖子

haha... jo妹妹 is very nice to me... i dun need any help now... :014: :014:
BUT i will definitly remember your OFFER of HELP....
i will find u if i need help... haha

P.S i m jus so bored that i dun wan to play pet anymore... i m so tired from it~~

回復 #547 jollybee 的帖子

same here.... i am so tire of playing pet now ...take a break first....please have a cup of tea first:onion14:
or take a hot bath to relax yourself


回復 #548 blueocean 的帖子

i was thinking of a nice long nap... hahah which it going to happen soon~~~ nothing better than a nap~

回復 #549 jollybee 的帖子

taking a nap....ok.....good night then:sleeps:


回復 #550 blueocean 的帖子

nite nite~~~ hehe c  around~

大家早上好:014: :014:

#1 family la bor  congrats
原帖由 坏蛋小子 於 2008-3-18 10:11 AM 發表
大家早上好:014: :014:
