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[問題] 應否去邁亞密??

想問下有無朋友係邁亞密住??姐夫有意思想去果度開餐館,想知道多D當地既野當地天氣應該算熱吧?交通方唔方便?治安好唔好?thanks for reading/answering! :)
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
Florida? It's very hot and humid over there.
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Florida? It's very hot and humid over there.
summei0529 發表於 2015-1-30 05:30 AM
i thought so, watched a couple movies which were filmed in Miami haha. but right now the plan is cancelled haha, so don't bother to think :P
thanks anyway~
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
冬天日間都 20C以上,好熱嘅。
冬天日間都 20C以上,好熱嘅。
buhin 發表於 2015-2-4 03:34 AM
ya, i figured, when i search, lots of beaches
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
本帖最後由 buhin 於 2015-3-25 06:07 AM 編輯

唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
ndctim 發表於 2015-3-26 03:08 PM
本帖最後由 lalalasing 於 2015-4-23 12:55 AM 編輯

9# buhin

No, I am living 40 miles from Miami,  yes, weather is hot and humid in summer, the air is fresh and windy... I like that.
But the city of Hong Kong were with tall building around, making the air is wet and sticky to form pollution, not good for health.
California is a better place to live, that is right, I like living there too, but the tax is high too. ( I lived in Oakland for 2 years)

I heard that Chinese restaurant is not easy to run in Miami due to not so many Chinese living here, the Americans will order the "carry out" from little Chinese take out stores when they want Chinese Food ( American sytle).

Hope that help.
9# buhin

No, I am living 40 miles from Miami,  yes, weather is hot and humid in summer, the air is fresh and windy... I like that.
But the city of Hong Kong were with tall building around, making t ...
lalalasing 發表於 2015-4-23 12:54 AM
開中餐做鬼佬生意可能仲好,價錢可能仲高都未定。你睇下LA嘅華人區 (alhambra, san gabriel, monterey park ...etc..) ,中式食肆多到黐綫,但價錢平到離徙譜,尤其係龍蝦,仲平過超級市場買,真係唔知佢點生存。