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Scotland striker Miller 'hopeful' for Reykjavik trip

Scotland are ''very hopeful'' that Kenny Miller will be fit to face Iceland on Wednesday night.
Coach Steven Pressley revealed the striker was upbeat over his chances ofovercoming a hamstring problem before the crucial World Cup qualifier inReykjavik.
Miller missed training yesterday along with full-back Graham Alexander, whosuffered a thigh knock during Saturday`s 1-0 defeat by Macedonia, but bothreported to Glasgow Airport this morning to make the journey.
West Brom midfielder James Morrison has pulled out of the squad however,because of the ankle problem that forced him out of the Skopje clash.
''Kenny is a slight doubt but he`s very positive and we are very hopeful,''Pressley said at the airport this morning.
''We are still unsure about his fitness and we will know more later today.
''Kenny, as always, is positive about his prospects of playing.''
Pressley added: ''James Morrison has returned to his club because he is stillstruggling and we don`t want to take any risks.
''He has been a very good performer since he joined the squad. He is anexcellent talent who can change a game so it`s a disappointment to lose him butI`m sure he will be back in future.
''I think Alexander is okay.''
Meanwhile, Pressley insisted there was no problem with morale following LeeMcCulloch`s decision to quit international football.
The Rangers midfielder, 30, had not featured under George Burley and phoned theScotland manager yesterday to confirm he did not want to be considered forselection.
McCulloch, who has been suffering from a knee injury, told Burley his decisionwas nothing personal and was based on a desire to concentrate on returning tofitness with his club.
The news has increased the pressure on Burley, who is looking for his first winas manager at the fifth attempt.
But Pressley said: ''It`s not disruptive at all. Lee made his decision and werespect that.
''The team spirit is very good so there are no fears about that.
''It`s a young side who get on well and there is definitely good spirit in thecamp.''
Steven Fletcher, who joined up with the squad yesterday, backed Pressley`sassertion.
The Hibernian striker, who was promoted following his double in the under-21win over Slovenia last week, said: ''There is a club atmosphere around the campand it`s a good atmosphere to be part of.
''The boys have looked well in training and this is an opportunity to put threepoints on the board, and hopefully we do that.''