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[新聞] 還以為是雕塑!女子買下稀有「無毛狗」 動起來帥到路人

大家都知道斯芬克斯貓吧?那是一種無毛貓,跟其他毛茸茸的貓咪很不一樣。狗狗當中也有類似的品種,那就是秘魯無毛狗。北卡羅來納州網友Wendy Scarborough花1,935英鎊(約台幣7.5萬元)買來一隻秘魯無毛狗,並取名為Fable,大家第一次看到這隻特別的狗狗時都非常驚訝。




ID: 3353711The owner of a rare hairless dog which looks just like an ancient Egyptian statue claims onlookers are stunned by her pet’s fascinating appearance – and struggle to believe she’s REAL when she stands still.

Full time dog rescue volunteer, Wendy Scarborough, 48, is inundated with questions when she takes one-year-old hound Fable, out near her home in North Carolina, US, as fellow walkers mistake the dog for a stone sculpture.

The mum-of-two, who looks after 16 dogs with her husband, Michael, 48, had desperately sought a Peruvian Hairless Dog after becoming enchanted by their statuesque physique and ‘expressionless’ face, finally getting her wish last May when she had Fable flown 3,115 miles from Peru.

The passionate animal lover has shared photos of her incredible canine to raise awareness of the ultra-rare breed, which was on the brink of extinction three decades ago until Peruvian breeders began to re-establish the population.


  • prodigydou

  • manyiu

真係稀有, 不過好型呀! 冬天需要穿衣服, 否則會冷病~