gonkong 當前離線
But this computer is very very very slow slow slow slower than pig Fian. 發表於 2011-6-12 12:13 AM
死火...我到而家都唔知究竟工工牛一係幾時 *柳飄飄* 發表於 2011-6-12 12:23 AM
Because you haven't listen the book and haven't do the home work Fian. 發表於 2011-6-12 12:28 AM
我有聽書同做功課o架, 冤枉呀miss, 咁我冇你哋咁熟嘛! 原諒我啦, 講我知啦! *柳飄飄* 發表於 2011-6-12 12:43 AM
咁 now 熟 "NG" 熟 "AI" Fian. 發表於 2011-6-12 05:21 AM
呢啲miss妳話啦~ *柳飄飄* 發表於 2011-6-14 10:56 PM
今日請假去做JOB,本身諗住睇完醫生無咩野,咁叫人揸電單車接我入屯門,點知1點幾就出事 坐車出中環個陣行屯門公路,條友架車失控撞左埋邊 因為之前做替身, 本能反應推開左車我出去個條粉皮:onion ... 四眼走粒仔 發表於 2011-6-14 11:31 PM
Hong Kong and Toronto is 12 hours different is the same time but Hong Kong is the night here is the day Fian. 發表於 2011-6-15 06:32 AM
Good Morning Miss & Everyone 夢遺大師 發表於 2011-6-15 07:01 AM
四眼走粒仔 當前離線
走粒仔記得 claim 番保險 你唔好唔 claim,到腳有問題,無人可憐你及賠償比你架 gonkong 發表於 2011-6-18 05:46 PM