echobe (bee~~~)當前離線
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-25 08:07 發表 I have to help your 老公 ma, :$ he doesn't wake up yet. :lol
danewin 當前離線
我係保鏢, 唔係看更
原帖由 echobe 於 2006-8-24 08:09 PM 發表 I think so HK just 8am in the morning
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-25 08:08 發表 I don't know why, when I became this topic 版主, it seems my son, want to spend some time to take care. :P
原帖由 echobe 於 2006-8-24 08:11 PM 發表 don't put too many pressure on urself la~~~:) 不過朝早好靜 同呢幾日個壇都好似靜左~~
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-25 08:10 發表 After I help him, he seems very lazy ;P
原帖由 echobe 於 2006-8-24 08:14 PM 發表 佢亞哥用左部腦 佢冇得用~~ 係香港唔似我地 佢地要 share 我地自己會有自己一部~~ 我有一部 desktop 同一部notebook;P
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-25 08:15 發表 :o, I had 2 systems be4 2, but I sold my notebook because notebook is still very slow. I love my desktop :lol
原帖由 echobe 於 2006-8-24 08:17 PM 發表 i love to use desktop as well~~ but the notebook is for school ma~~ ai....... go school la~~ and need to prepare things for the assignment as well~~~ :'(
s30wrt 當前離線
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-25 08:05 AM 發表 Driver...where r u? :lol
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-8-24 08:50 PM 發表 Mr D U still alive???;P plz respond
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-25 08:52 AM 發表 i am here la
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-8-24 08:53 PM 發表 almost time for dinner\:D/
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-25 08:53 AM 發表 i just went to play games ma....