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原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-9-13 10:08 PM 發表

how come the moon here not round ge????
we is say about 外国的月亮啦。。。。。。
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-13 10:10 PM 發表

dont want lah........
me still want to study ar........
somemore me also no money lah..........
me very poor lah............T_T................
and me go there no ppl teach me hiphop............
no worry....
since U said U'll take me on a tour when Im there...
Im gonna take a pic of moon here for U
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原帖由 echobe 於 2006-9-13 10:09 PM 發表

if singapore airline is cheaper than the direct flight
can think about next time ga~~~
i didn't go to singapore before ~~~
singapore airline is much cheaper.. (可能其他airline, not sin)
but wat know usually 转机at sin cheap la...
cos my sis bak from japan oso at there 落机。。
原帖由 echobe 於 2006-9-13 10:09 PM 發表

if singapore airline is cheaper than the direct flight
can think about next time ga~~~
i didn't go to singapore before ~~~
then u got come to malaysia before....??
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-13 10:11 PM 發表

we is say about 外国的月亮啦。。。。。。
o... so the one in other country is more round than the one I see in here
tires sale, sale tires
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-9-13 10:09 PM 發表

but after one song..... at less say hes out ar.....
then u need to ask him next time liao loh...........
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-9-13 10:10 PM 發表

u post ur pic at 自贴区。。
我出价1万。。 :D
then me now go to post u pic up.........
see got ppl want to buy mah...................$-) $-)
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-13 10:09 PM 發表

i thonk so.........
here less ppl to 吹水la.......
all is busy lah............
我最近忙。。 all cannt c me.. so didnt online loh.. :D
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-9-13 10:13 PM 發表

o... so the one in other country is more round than the one I see in here
haha, ya , u are correct...........
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-13 10:13 PM 發表

then u need to ask him next time liao loh...........
no need like father like son....
tires sale, sale tires
singapore & malaysia 只不过相差一个4, 5 km 的桥
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-13 10:13 PM 發表

then me now go to post u pic up.........
see got ppl want to buy mah...................$-) $-)
:@ kill for sure..
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-9-13 10:14 PM 發表

我最近忙。。 all cannt c me.. so didnt online loh.. :D
fxxk lah.........
u busy......X(
now u can so relxy at here 吹水。。。。。???
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-9-13 10:15 PM 發表

:@ kill for sure..
Y mad??? like we can tell whos who
tires sale, sale tires