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標題: [轉]梵蒂岡的''Lucifer''望遠鏡 [打印本頁]

作者: ~嘉~    時間: 2010-12-16 10:33 PM     標題: [轉]梵蒂岡的''Lucifer''望遠鏡

The Jesuits/Vatican launch new telescope 'LUCIFER' pt.1# O  j2 d$ j3 ~( X& u
耶穌會 /梵蒂岡推出新望遠鏡'路西弗' 第一部份公仔箱論壇8 U5 B* Y0 ]/ m& x. ^
/ k* Q/ S# ^  W$ q) X& ~. R; r3 _+ m* ^tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

' O! D' D8 `; W. WThe Jesuits/Vatican launch new telescope 'LUCIFER' pt.2
9 ~( W5 |6 K, d* j  Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb耶穌會 /梵蒂岡推出新望遠鏡'路西弗' 第二部份
6 j1 z+ p! l6 D4 Vwww3.tvboxnow.com西元2010年04月27日
6 S# ?/ d0 P; H4 w9 X6

) @9 {2 |; ^8 J* z; C) R6 PTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。The Jesuits/Vatican launch new telescope 'LUCIFER' pt.3
% V. z8 i& @7 S. A: U, G: F耶穌會 /梵蒂岡推出新望遠鏡'路西弗' 第三部份
& W. u4 F. a, f  Dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb西元2010年04月27日
' a# D  L! Q( h( R. u$ t/ E% N5 ?1 ?

2 N6 C/ z8 ]. t# }% b4 X& {" oTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; D$ U" I+ s" r$ j% ?
Vatican tied Mount Graham Observatory Launches LUCIFER Telescope
  A5 a5 ~4 L- n: Rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb梵蒂岡出租的格雷厄姆山天文台發射 路西弗望遠鏡
, S  ^: e& |& D) R西元2010年04月26日
8 \% c$ ]$ P8 ^( U! t' q# C" K4 ?4 z4 Z- i5 ~, B% O
"LUCIFER" : The Illuminati owned Telescope (Pt. 1/3)公仔箱論壇0 [  P, L! {; n2 U) T* B. Q" v3 t- K
! l; [( q2 }" J' y5 C8 K: ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvb西元2010年04月24日公仔箱論壇0 `& `. m6 v/ K2 H4 _8 H
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& v8 K( ?6 C% N' Y: p8 c
"LUCIFER" : The Illuminati owned Telescope (Pt. 2/3)公仔箱論壇  s/ G# w# e6 t) @' m" S
“路西弗”:光明會擁有的望遠鏡(三之二)# O) C! [% |" }" d) R6 q
西元2010年04月24日www3.tvboxnow.com2 W3 @: G7 n; {# u3 h

; t( F) L+ c5 l9 z! ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb"LUCIFER" : The Illuminati owned Telescope (Pt. 3/3)
8 {1 |3 J, s1 q0 E5 n公仔箱論壇“路西弗”:光明會擁有的望遠鏡(三之三)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 W, b* Q( u4 f- [6 N5 s- C
西元2010年04月24日TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, n, f3 M# R: s7 S1 q, L3 M

- C2 K5 A. n# X2 k8 V+ n( |TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
1 E' p( n4 W1 v: r6 I% N亞利桑那大學,梵蒂岡和耶穌會命名新望遠鏡'路西弗'
) Q* K; k, E- @/ r3 xTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。University of Arizona, Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope ‘Lucifer’公仔箱論壇8 ^" A) M& L( T9 U
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. i' l4 {+ q" ~* c: ^9 N- s
Housed at Mt. Graham, critics wonder are the ‘evil ones’ planning a staged end times scenario
/ {* i& J) F0 Z( m$ L; X! l: H  t
4 U+ h% Q$ F  ~By Greg Szymanski, JD
) H7 L* K7 h+ P6 {1 o+ TApril 23, 2010
, I! R& ?+ C" d. DThe University of Arizona, together with the Vatican and Jesuit Order, announced today it named its newest high-powered telescopic instrument ‘Lucifer’.
" X/ G1 y6 F, m/ x+ K( [TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。亞利桑那大學與梵蒂岡和耶穌會,今天宣布命名它最新的高動力望遠工具為'路西弗'。
) D3 y3 a! v# [' v6 F4 S# c+ @There has been a great deal of speculation, among Vatican critics, why in the first place the Jesuit Order was allowed to build a huge stellar observatory on Mt. Graham in Arizona – on holy Indian ground – in cooperation with the state-run University of Arizona.公仔箱論壇" M, Z2 L- _, M% A9 l, r, B8 ^
在梵蒂岡的批評中出現大量猜測,首先為何耶穌會被允許在亞利桑那州格雷厄姆山 - 在神聖的印第安土地上 - 建立一個巨大的星觀測站,與州立亞利桑那大學合作。
# X6 M0 n  i' z% u( ~With the naming of Lucifer, critics claim the Vatican has showed its true colors, using God and Jesus as shills for their true master — Lucifer.www3.tvboxnow.com2 q6 _: ?' U  Q0 C
隨著路西弗的命名,批評人士宣稱,梵蒂岡已顯示它的真本色,為他們的真正主人 - 路西法 - 使用上帝和耶穌作誘餌。3 J8 x5 r$ R# E, ^0 d1 J% w
According to an article in Popular Science by Rebecca Boyle the “new instrument with an evil-sounding name is helping scientists see how stars are born.”
; j  \& S3 I) r! ^公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% I8 _! r; t5 n: j% h
The article went to explain the name Lucifer stands for (deep breath) “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research.”- e$ z" J) k2 B, B5 O
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! P9 z5 |, W+ l, K6 b
“And yes,” according to Popular Science, “it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star.”  ]* p0 \' U- F! \& u. e$ u6 C
. l5 k& V8 U' E* l. A7 h/ D
However, according to a spokesman for the University of Arizona,it wasn’t meant to evoke any connotations of evil.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: m5 U; Q- p) n* U

! |# c7 ^3 \3 B, uLucifer has three interchangeable cameras for imaging and spectroscopy in different resolutions. It has a large field of view and high-res capabilities, which allow a wide range of observations.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- A+ h8 q( s, x% Z# O$ }4 t }# R& r; [2 R* F9 u* U, [1 l  h
Critics are now shaking their heads even more, wondering why the Vatican would have its own stellar observatory and why they would have the audacity to name a new telescope after the Devil himself.6 S3 s6 t' }- U- H; d, \7 |& l) u

# B- ?! }3 ^5 Z: C7 x7 ^! S9 W公仔箱論壇According to Mitch Battros some people believe “it is for the purpose to monitor a warning presented in the  N' e" s( T# f! Q! a# b

0 V- O5 ]- I2 k4 e7 e7 O, iCould it be it is named “Wormwood” coming from the New Testament book of Revelation, saying:6 I! K% s$ }/ N6 E; t- B

  F  x  Q1 O$ r! \0 gTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.” (Revelation 8:10, 11 – King James Bible)' U. C, W  R$ c% W' m1 J# z* J7 r
; K" Q/ c7 M- W9 p* v- B. ^# o
Battros added this reference to the end times as well as Mayan prophecy:
3 m1 \3 s& G4 T% t, y6 o7 d3 T% _/ p  q' D( x9 o* N3 K1 F7 d
“Is it possible the Vatican has the same information as the Mayans? Both speak of an event coming from the center of our galaxy Milky Way. Both indicate a powerful celestial event. But the most important question of all is “when”.公仔箱論壇$ O5 l- r% l! N! M& @0 c* i" p+ X

* ?. n. ~' H, @& p  E( p“I do not believe any scientist or focused individual can argue that all of space science and cosmology appears to have a certain urgency for discovery. From galactic ‘charged particles’ to new found asteroids, there is a sense of ‘let’s find it as soon as we can’.”
1 H" x3 q* i0 y) a  U/ D2 B8
+ S) r' H8 ^* x: M' M; k$ l公仔箱論壇Here is an article that .....
作者: cybernicky    時間: 2010-12-16 10:40 PM

Thanks you so much for sharing
作者: dannylean    時間: 2010-12-16 11:10 PM

appreciate!!!!!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" t, ?7 p4 g- f4 {4 a1 ~
作者: tsang123456    時間: 2010-12-17 04:44 AM

作者: _GiE_    時間: 2010-12-17 07:13 AM

Thanks you so much for sharing
作者: poguy    時間: 2010-12-17 09:43 AM

作者: huainianwoma    時間: 2010-12-17 10:52 AM

作者: GAMBIT0060    時間: 2010-12-17 10:55 AM

作者: 901ATT    時間: 2010-12-17 11:10 AM

作者: dominicasd    時間: 2010-12-17 12:03 PM

just want to take a look
作者: xsky    時間: 2010-12-17 12:30 PM

is about what? tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. W2 L0 v" u9 [2 q) u8 {
thx for sharing
作者: SAST2    時間: 2010-12-17 01:28 PM

1# ~嘉~
作者: xhunterx    時間: 2010-12-17 01:43 PM

what is that
作者: dickdick76    時間: 2010-12-17 04:01 PM

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作者: akuma666    時間: 2010-12-17 04:55 PM

I want to see the hiden msg.
作者: wuhaoganla    時間: 2010-12-17 05:10 PM

作者: jj6618566    時間: 2010-12-17 05:30 PM

作者: lences    時間: 2010-12-17 07:46 PM

let me go through it, please.....
作者: DANIELARTNET    時間: 2010-12-17 08:07 PM

作者: power87    時間: 2010-12-17 09:11 PM

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作者: qutiecompact    時間: 2010-12-17 10:08 PM

作者: kc_siu0611    時間: 2010-12-17 10:35 PM

thank you
作者: heng0502    時間: 2010-12-17 10:46 PM

what is that
作者: -SouL-    時間: 2010-12-17 11:10 PM

作者: guide    時間: 2010-12-18 12:06 AM

thank you for sharing
作者: 惡作劇之魂    時間: 2010-12-18 12:57 AM

thx for sharing
作者: emptyboy    時間: 2010-12-18 01:32 AM

作者: tonesky    時間: 2010-12-18 01:14 PM

那么神奇吗 要回复才能看
7 R" }4 P. O+ J/ n1 gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb看看有多神奇,,,
作者: kkyin5    時間: 2010-12-18 01:44 PM

作者: gto2003    時間: 2010-12-18 02:46 PM

let me see see sin la...
作者: po1986    時間: 2010-12-18 02:48 PM

作者: flychien8917    時間: 2010-12-18 03:10 PM

作者: ric2009    時間: 2010-12-18 05:32 PM

作者: winwin1114    時間: 2010-12-18 05:39 PM

thankyou for sharing
作者: kelvinjohnhktm    時間: 2010-12-18 07:19 PM

作者: california89    時間: 2010-12-19 12:15 AM

作者: newstudent87    時間: 2010-12-19 10:30 AM

作者: klienteo    時間: 2010-12-19 10:39 AM

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作者: fcyuan    時間: 2010-12-19 12:31 PM

Thank You
作者: engtp    時間: 2010-12-19 12:35 PM

好奇  有些甚麼東西
作者: andybb5    時間: 2010-12-19 01:49 PM

thx for sharing
作者: ffchun    時間: 2010-12-19 02:22 PM

1# ~嘉~ www3.tvboxnow.com1 V1 Q# [7 }0 b) b5 b' D" K4 w; m. P

* ?9 B7 O- Y2 F) \Thanks you  for sharing
作者: 11728355    時間: 2010-12-19 06:02 PM

& \3 g* @# \5 h# C5 ]1 Q  q- Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 B; S8 v7 K# U8 ^( I210.6.90.159:8001thx...
作者: lgds    時間: 2010-12-19 08:13 PM

作者: jim091082    時間: 2010-12-19 09:37 PM

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: pk230581    時間: 2010-12-19 09:41 PM

let cccc
作者: kohhong    時間: 2010-12-19 11:48 PM

thank you
作者: coolweng    時間: 2010-12-20 12:13 AM

May i have a look? Thanks
作者: bondbond    時間: 2010-12-20 11:20 AM

yo check it out thx
作者: chuchu313    時間: 2010-12-20 01:00 PM

Thanks alot
作者: shaoqian    時間: 2010-12-20 02:30 PM

6 ^0 {" k& A) hthx...
作者: Q4Hx4606    時間: 2010-12-20 02:32 PM

作者: thurtle84    時間: 2010-12-20 04:25 PM

wow... lets discover it!!!
作者: gohgck    時間: 2010-12-20 07:28 PM

I want to see the hiden msg.
作者: caving    時間: 2010-12-20 10:08 PM

I want to see the hiden msg.
作者: charmmymiao    時間: 2010-12-21 11:07 AM

what is that??
作者: joeyliy    時間: 2010-12-22 02:14 AM

作者: ironman123    時間: 2010-12-22 06:46 AM

作者: kschow    時間: 2010-12-22 09:11 AM

非常感謝樓主以無私精神供大家無私的分享! 唔该晒! 無言感激!
作者: tkwantkid    時間: 2010-12-22 12:28 PM

very curious thanks
作者: haoailsy    時間: 2010-12-22 01:07 PM

作者: kev5201    時間: 2010-12-22 02:10 PM

thanks for sharing
作者: raypoon640111    時間: 2010-12-22 02:11 PM

謝謝分享 4 f, q- k0 T9 ^* D& x

作者: woojk80    時間: 2010-12-22 03:26 PM

thank you thank you 1# ~嘉~
作者: 1212121212    時間: 2010-12-22 04:17 PM

作者: tommy@a@    時間: 2010-12-22 05:17 PM

thx thx
% k& t" n; z8 g9 T& F5 x% i# [www3.tvboxnow.com謝謝分享TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) f) [+ U( r; ^4 ]. X% g1 u- S
cctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 e& M2 ]1 i  K6 _9 S$ ]; F" V$ S

作者: gomi86    時間: 2010-12-22 05:24 PM

作者: deejayiap    時間: 2010-12-22 07:53 PM

thanks for support!!
作者: hea碧托夫    時間: 2010-12-22 07:58 PM

作者: kopi666    時間: 2010-12-22 09:30 PM

Thanks you so much for sharing
作者: jianli1985    時間: 2010-12-22 09:32 PM

作者: paulthian3    時間: 2010-12-22 09:49 PM

thanks you
作者: mickefung    時間: 2010-12-22 11:39 PM

作者: charles-wt    時間: 2010-12-23 08:11 AM

作者: fly814    時間: 2010-12-23 09:17 AM

let me see see
作者: siranowind    時間: 2010-12-23 10:37 AM

作者: niperry    時間: 2010-12-23 11:22 AM

thz very much
作者: chenharald    時間: 2010-12-23 12:05 PM

thanks sa sdafas dsaf
作者: penghaogod    時間: 2010-12-23 12:39 PM

作者: lemonpower2004    時間: 2010-12-23 12:51 PM

thx for sharing
作者: 豪皇    時間: 2010-12-23 03:11 PM

乜野黎架? 唔好呃post喎.
作者: leeluomei    時間: 2010-12-23 03:57 PM

! R4 k* m. z5 X; _& g. G谢谢分享。。
作者: yogar    時間: 2010-12-23 05:02 PM

4 s% ]  U/ a7 P9 V4 OTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。那你是要我回復什麼?  n7 N2 _+ \2 e

+ U+ U  M- d5 C! ^9 Z/ f4 Lwww3.tvboxnow.com論壇不是用來討論&發表意見用的嗎?% w8 h0 i1 {, H+ e
公仔箱論壇7 L6 b% T1 L) L- ~7 Y1 ]5 |
作者: qian228    時間: 2010-12-23 07:17 PM

作者: jsjamestan1989    時間: 2010-12-23 09:49 PM

作者: 00728    時間: 2010-12-23 09:58 PM

I want to see the hiden msg.
作者: zhanzz2    時間: 2010-12-23 10:04 PM

want to see the hiden
作者: lolo0o    時間: 2010-12-24 09:30 AM

let me see see please
作者: aa3    時間: 2010-12-24 09:39 AM

thank you
作者: jeelver    時間: 2010-12-24 11:47 AM

Thanks For ShaRinG
作者: ooaoo    時間: 2010-12-24 12:14 PM

作者: mingming613    時間: 2010-12-24 03:33 PM

good thank you
作者: CALVIN1974    時間: 2010-12-24 05:41 PM

作者: dannyl.k.h    時間: 2010-12-24 06:52 PM

so much for sharing
作者: soonsoon90    時間: 2010-12-24 07:56 PM

Thanks you so much for sharing
作者: konsan    時間: 2010-12-25 01:41 PM

Thanks you so much for sharing
作者: 小雨坏坏    時間: 2010-12-25 06:37 PM

Thanks you so much for sharing
& }5 _& [. x* n# i8 z$ @$ D公仔箱論壇take a look
作者: mkjn321    時間: 2010-12-25 08:14 PM

作者: Marmi    時間: 2010-12-25 10:26 PM

doon hide lar @@ :(
作者: soul5eater    時間: 2010-12-25 11:07 PM


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