好睇未得囉理佢抄唔抄呀!!~ 演員唔同都有唔同效果啦!~作者: 95273421 時間: 2011-4-22 01:13 AM
im from malaysia, bt i nvr watch tis drama, coz its nt nice at all...malaysia nvr produce a nice drama...support tvb作者: antonboy 時間: 2011-4-22 02:23 PM
% U, N7 D# Y( I咁高校铁金刚抄邊套作者: puniamok 時間: 2011-5-19 11:26 AM
for me, whether TVB is copying others story or not, its normal, i agreed to some comments says that it much more crucial that those actors and actresses performance, for the malaysian story, i bet those actors just being good looking and thats it, nothing else . . . BTW tvb is better in form of background, story line, one thing i really can see is those DETAILS that they EXPLAINED is TOTALLY MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE BETTER THAN MALAYSIA's drama, i am malaysian too , so . . . .作者: yueshan74 時間: 2011-5-19 08:18 PM