楼主说的不错,舊時無記拍古裝劇較為認真,現在的編導係敢以媽媽夫夫了事,現時午間重播的尋秦記就是一個好例子,大家都係古裝片,大大話話都有十幾年啦,演員對白文不知幾好,佈景和演員一流,古天樂 林峰 郭峰 雪 ...
johlu 發表於 2011-7-29 10:41 PM
doesn't bother me, it is not a historical documentary, the audience does not need a histroy degree to watch the film.
if you must insist, they are not even suppose to talk in Cantonese.
mrfusion 發表於 2011-7-30 09:26 AM
5 v1 D! w/ X) P/ T0 s' [
公仔箱論壇( V& Y% p0 f! X+ _0 K
無意冒犯,雖然呢套唔係一套打正旗號講歷史的正劇,但既然係一部古裝劇,但連基本既細節都冇注意就有啲過份,如果樣樣細節都唔理既,咁仲算係古裝嗎 ...www3.tvboxnow.com1 z! Y% u; f5 x$ E7 f/ D5 ?* Q
鳥兒 發表於 2011-8-3 01:07 PM
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