9 g: a) w2 f2 O* f08年新賽季雷克南是否能夠成功衛冕,漢密爾頓是否保持今年的強勢,阿隆索能否重登巔峰,馬薩能否帶來更多驚喜,其他車手是否能夠異軍突起,新賽季的比賽依然會充滿懸念。 - f% l( ]$ ?5 S& v# \3 |/ A# E' P B; V* C5 ~" A) o( r( K
在明年的3月16日,2008賽季F1將正式拉開戰幕,精彩將再度上演。作者: ob02 時間: 2007-10-27 09:35 AM
cool. + c2 ]% a C8 I& z2 T k; vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvblooking forward to it~~作者: turnberry 時間: 2007-10-28 01:22 AM
can't wait to see the Singapore grand prix, i am thinking to book the ticket now, even it's year away, it will be a great different atmosphere, F1 racing on a street track at NIGHT! how cool is it!作者: tracymcgradyok 時間: 2007-10-30 02:28 PM