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標題: 新力愛立信 w910 比 w580 [打印本頁]

作者: 老弟    時間: 2007-10-30 09:14 PM     標題: 新力愛立信 w910 比 w580

! ]) `) u+ {+ d, @1 ~+ ?4 c5 I6 x) l你们给点意见吧~- B7 N" l* P# V4 A
& u& c2 a5 v9 z: H; T公仔箱論壇[attach]164479[/attach]
. w/ y, t3 y5 Z4 T6 b/ |# xw580
+ |7 j+ |$ `4 U4 D% M; D公仔箱論壇[attach]164480[/attach]
作者: 5207603    時間: 2007-10-30 09:18 PM

w580外形更好看!不过~怎的只能买se的机子 ?
作者: 老弟    時間: 2007-10-30 09:21 PM

作者: lordchoon    時間: 2007-10-30 11:37 PM

作者: telestarcom    時間: 2007-10-31 02:05 PM

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作者: 7489    時間: 2007-11-2 07:16 PM

w580:014: :014:
作者: anson828    時間: 2007-11-2 11:14 PM

W91o0 will be a better phone...W580's design is more sporting but 910 more classical...Overall oso W910 better.
2 q& }- @# t7 \% o: N3 W1 QTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。got 3G,screen bigger...If I was u,i wil buy 910...but the consideration tat u shud think is the price...910 more
$ J9 Y. b3 q% iexpensive
作者: Ryuu    時間: 2007-11-6 03:27 PM

The w910i is better than the w580i in every way except the price and the call/end call buttons -_-. I think they look ugly.
  k& s7 q, S! i2 q1 a# [1 KTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ [, p$ e9 x  p3 U! D2 A, a) \
But if you're going to buy w910i, don't buy it yet, wait until it gets cheaper, and also get some bugs (if any) fixed =).TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。# F0 e  O6 {  K5 _3 b# j

; M+ w  f. u# h: j* k1 S9 X公仔箱論壇In the end, it depends on which one you think is better or looks better lor, since they are both good =).
作者: wlt1110    時間: 2007-11-7 08:08 PM 3G
作者: emiri2611    時間: 2007-11-20 03:49 PM

w910   got better functions and its has 3G :onion05:
作者: green_lemon    時間: 2007-11-20 10:22 PM

Putting the W910i up against the W580i can make some sense, since these two will be considered as almost identical solutions in terms offunctionality (at least at a glance) and might well end up on the sameshort list.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" r9 i3 ^* Z) V! @+ d1 b- m
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ @* N6 I" U4 Q
Sony Ericsson W910i Sony Ericsson W580i
Size, weight 99.5x50x12.5    mm, 86 grams 99x47x14 mm, 94 grams
Display 2.36 inches,    QVGA, TFT, 262K 2 inches, QVGA, TFT, 262K
Motion sensor Games, music, camera Games, music, sporty features (pedometer)
Software platform A200, JP-8 A100, JP-7
Battery BST-39, 920 mAh, Li-Ion         BST-38, 930 mAh, Li-Pol
Walkman version 3.0 2.0
Shake Control Three actions Shuffle only
Windows Media support Yes (plus DRM 2.0) Yes
Media section Yes No
Camera 2 Mpix, CMOS, no autofocus 2 Mpix, CMOS, no autofocus

作者: jikinhi    時間: 2007-11-21 05:14 AM

W580 nice
作者: ting_e_lu    時間: 2007-11-24 12:36 PM

我老豆用緊$ E' W4 ^" b8 k9 a4 m& m- A/ k
作者: uduki    時間: 2007-11-30 03:10 AM

$ K/ m" c1 s$ W- g/ k除左3g 其他都ok
作者: d5798    時間: 2007-12-1 11:00 PM

hey, stupid guys.who dont know a better phone has a more expensive price,use your brain a! but i prefer 580tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# b5 Q, g4 Z' {0 B0 \# W# Q1 t L1 ], _2 G  q# A* Y: Q ^* c% J; h/ X5 C
www3.tvboxnow.com9 ]( @: b5 x2 j! K" ~- G- o  w' z
2. 嚴禁對任何會員作出辱罵,粗言穢語或引起罵戰等行為,違者將會被删帖或扣除積分/功勳! ~4 e9 ^4 r0 K4 J6 U* a' [

# @- ?  R# _3 ]6 r( @[ 本帖最後由 julianneteng 於 2007-12-1 11:09 PM 編輯 ]
作者: lstai    時間: 2007-12-2 06:37 PM

both of them has not auto-focus ...
作者: wkn1ght93    時間: 2007-12-4 10:10 AM

of course is w910 loh
作者: hello123456    時間: 2007-12-7 07:22 PM     標題: 回復 #1 老弟 的帖子

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作者: kelvinleong    時間: 2007-12-12 05:06 PM

i w910
作者: weish    時間: 2007-12-18 08:27 PM

overall w580 design better and cheaper lo...but keypad crack like hell...公仔箱論壇2 V2 d" e0 Z. S- {9 \$ C
w910 more expensive...but the price will drop soon...
作者: miko_112233    時間: 2008-7-25 09:31 PM

They both shittvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% q+ h  d& G8 [' E# d
i have the W910i, its system is too slow respond...5 K. O$ T( M' R2 s0 o
also the battery can not be used long...+ c; r0 D; S2 X# B7 r, V' _
" `& ^) r3 \( y/ M
dont waste money buy others...
作者: lawrencechuah    時間: 2008-10-2 01:07 AM

w910i got 3g. more batter compare to w580.
作者: 尛滊靤    時間: 2008-11-7 01:53 PM


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