You get unreasonable neighbour every where in the world. But more in big city. But typically, definition of too noisy is party beyond reasonable time before the police will interfere. I have never heard any occasions of police interference on normal noise level.
I think it is important to try to be nice but also as important do not let them push you around. When there is a dispute, try to involve the land lord to resolve with other tenant. (some time they don't care, but those are typically poorly managed estate)
I don't think this is a case of US or China or UK or HK. There are always unreasonable neighbour.
note: from that unreasonable neighbour perspective, he would think that he is reasonable and you are unreasonable.作者: viart888 時間: 2012-3-16 09:33 PM
there all really sucks ~~~作者: altezzack 時間: 2012-3-25 11:40 AM
you make the great job..enjoy you new life.作者: pjpjpj 時間: 2012-3-25 05:34 PM
i agree with you作者: zjx1314 時間: 2012-3-26 12:24 AM
just another case of racism. these racists think our very existence pollutes their environment. they think they own the land, but forget how their ancestors invaded and robbed the indians of their rightful heritage.作者: 高尔特 時間: 2012-4-29 01:25 AM
做得好!!!!!!!!作者: hhli 時間: 2012-5-1 01:40 PM
US is a fair country, but you have to defend yourself. I gave up apartment the minute I arrive USA, even I have to travel a nit more to work, I live on a detached house, with all the room that I want and all the area I want.作者: huikit 時間: 2012-5-1 10:43 PM
去了人家的地方就应该入乡随俗,守人家的规矩,不要自己想当然作者: abanaba 時間: 2012-5-19 04:50 AM
Serve him right. You tried to be a good neighbor and if it doesn't work, so be it. You didn't do anything wrong so you don't have to take his sh1t.作者: hggolfhjb 時間: 2012-5-19 01:14 PM
你的遭遇已经算好,我碰到与你一样的情况,但是对方竟是一个中国人(台湾) ,而且还居然说不喜欢跟中国人做邻居.作者: burgessking 時間: 2012-5-20 09:05 AM
In US , you need to speak up. otherwise they will run you over. We need to use our brain ,and not just our mouth , thanks for sharing this story . I hope your daughter did not feel bad at all ,it was not her fault .作者: a60467387 時間: 2012-5-22 11:54 AM
没去外国带过,看到楼主的才知道外国也不容易啊作者: mm4games 時間: 2012-5-25 10:45 AM
本帖最後由 mm4games 於 2012-5-25 10:47 AM 編輯
There are good and bad people everywhere. People take advantage of you, if you do not defense yourself not matter where you are - in China, Hong Kong, Canada, or in your case LA. I am living in NYC for over 10 years, lucky I never have such problem.
My recommendation is to know your rights, in US its governing by law and regulations. In this case the tenant below does not have the rights to complain if the noises are consider normal behaviors and it should not affecting their normal life. Even the police does not able to take action against either one, unless the noise is excessive. Luckily polices that I encountered in NYC are mostly friendly from my experience.作者: jack006 時間: 2012-6-10 03:14 AM
遇到這樣難搞的鄰居也是蠻倒楣的作者: fancy333 時間: 2012-6-10 08:10 AM
只要不是法律不許可的行為,想怎麼做就怎麼做,別人管不著,這是自由.作者: 茶記 時間: 2012-6-10 08:20 AM
我在講什麼,你自己參透下作者: skyblue716 時間: 2012-6-10 10:04 AM
yeah, totally agree作者: ivtom 時間: 2012-6-11 06:52 AM
最好的辦法便是以其人之道還以其人之身。他以投訴,你亦以投訴来控告他的不是。我支持樓主的做法。作者: dangfuyinwa 時間: 2012-6-11 07:01 AM
too surprised! you should move作者: jasonlau11 時間: 2012-6-13 05:14 PM
discrimination 佢地會睇人嚟蝦作者: webcatman 時間: 2012-12-24 09:09 AM
Different culture!作者: macally7450tvb2 時間: 2012-12-25 06:09 PM
when you live in us using the American style to do thing don't be afraid living in America everyone is fair so don't worry作者: Joyrider 時間: 2012-12-25 10:32 PM
生活習慣不同,你需要時候適應。當你去到另一國家住時是要多些留意那地方的生活方式和習俗。作者: pinglam 時間: 2012-12-26 02:39 AM
支持楼主.作者: qqkkk 時間: 2012-12-26 05:35 PM
//////////作者: serrurier 時間: 2013-2-2 01:10 PM
我們在北美生活,本應就要慢慢融入流社會,但當你主動想和他們溝通時,也不需要過分地去討好他們,因為權益是要用努力來換取的,如果我們覺得不公平時,不要因為自己是小數民族,而不敢據理力爭,凡事都要講清講楚,這樣才可以有效保障自己權益!作者: Leon99 時間: 2013-2-15 10:36 AM
美國的投訴文化是國際聞名的,最重要是据理力爭,不可畏縮,沒錯卻認錯是不智之舉。作者: jacinthlin 時間: 2013-2-16 01:42 AM
遇到這種無理的鄰居,告訴他"怕吵?那你應該去住頂樓"作者: bobface 時間: 2013-2-16 02:29 AM
my neighbor same shit.... always complains and yelling and screaming. present herself like the world revolves around her. as Chinese, we usually just 息事寧人. then one day, i fired back, confronted her, just basically give her idea of you are not weak you just dun wanna fight but you have to you will, then they will 收斂一點.
of coz' sometimes you don't want to not be able to nicely say hi to look each other in the eye, but if things got out of hand, then you can't really always be the one who suck everything in.作者: citydancer2000 時間: 2014-2-11 08:37 AM
Thanks a lot !!!作者: foucault 時間: 2014-2-14 06:08 PM
先禮後兵,以直報怨。不要抱着這是別人家的地方而忍氣吞聲。在職場更不要這樣。讓你的女兒有個好榜樣。作者: zkent00 時間: 2014-2-17 10:01 AM
that's right. you have to know your right and use it.