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標題: [問題] 移民美国:我不能再容忍邻居的抱怨 [打印本頁]

作者: loadrunner    時間: 2012-1-20 09:11 PM     標題: 移民美国:我不能再容忍邻居的抱怨

作者: tbonesteak    時間: 2012-1-21 12:28 AM

有好多人见我地系亚洲人就虾得就虾, 下次再系甘你应该更加多地制造"正常的声音". 美国支持公平, 所以你也不必要太迁就别人. 最重要的是也不要做得过分, 如果因为地板太旧而令到正常的走动产生声音, 可以叫房东免费修理.
作者: 2012long    時間: 2012-1-21 01:29 AM

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作者: mcmugcute    時間: 2012-1-25 06:47 AM

作者: JBCCK    時間: 2012-1-25 11:12 PM

做的好, 不是所有的老外都很友善. 适当的提醒也是很重要!
作者: patsh723    時間: 2012-1-26 03:43 AM

You are living in the US and do it in American way.
作者: bwk0317    時間: 2012-1-26 03:44 AM

move to another place then
作者: 艷若飛灰    時間: 2012-3-3 01:29 PM

作者: petagador    時間: 2012-3-5 02:08 AM

People are less friendly in bigger cities like LA, SF and NY.
作者: materia    時間: 2012-3-5 07:08 AM

作者: man101010    時間: 2012-3-6 04:45 PM

作者: xxfox    時間: 2012-3-8 04:41 PM

作者: royal619666    時間: 2012-3-14 12:03 PM

i got a same!!!
作者: qscwdvef    時間: 2012-3-14 07:02 PM

作者: mxxbzl1    時間: 2012-3-16 01:52 PM

作者: mxxbzl1    時間: 2012-3-16 01:52 PM

作者: popoeliz    時間: 2012-3-16 08:03 PM

You get unreasonable neighbour every where in the world. But more in big city. But typically, definition of too noisy is party beyond reasonable time before the police will interfere. I have never heard any occasions of police interference on normal noise level.

I think it is important to try to be nice but also as important do not let them push you around. When there is a dispute, try to involve the land lord to resolve with other tenant. (some time they don't care, but those are typically poorly managed estate)

I don't think this is a case of US or China or UK or HK. There are always unreasonable neighbour.

note: from that unreasonable neighbour perspective, he would think that he is reasonable and you are unreasonable.
作者: viart888    時間: 2012-3-16 09:33 PM

there all really sucks ~~~
作者: altezzack    時間: 2012-3-25 11:40 AM

you make the great job..enjoy you new life.
作者: pjpjpj    時間: 2012-3-25 05:34 PM

i agree with you
作者: zjx1314    時間: 2012-3-26 12:24 AM

作者: udo07    時間: 2012-3-26 01:45 PM

作者: 血染死神    時間: 2012-3-26 04:31 PM

作者: elinnaesz    時間: 2012-4-20 06:36 AM

thanks for sharing
作者: tw328    時間: 2012-4-20 03:20 PM

外国人很多时候都是很picky的,遇到这样的邻居是很麻烦! 我情况相反,我的邻居总是喜欢制造噪音,不过不是大半夜就算了! 现在刚住进来的那女常常进出忘记关门关灯,写纸条提醒了还是不改进。而且常常半夜2,3点就制造噪音。真心希望她快点搬走
作者: calvin1129    時間: 2012-4-23 10:15 PM

thank you!
作者: zgzaaa    時間: 2012-4-27 10:05 AM

作者: cyberryu    時間: 2012-4-28 06:43 PM

just another case of racism.  these racists think our very existence pollutes their environment.  they think they own the land, but forget how their ancestors invaded and robbed the indians of their rightful heritage.
作者: 高尔特    時間: 2012-4-29 01:25 AM

作者: hhli    時間: 2012-5-1 01:40 PM

US is a fair country, but you have to defend yourself. I gave up apartment the minute I arrive USA, even I have to travel a nit more to work, I live on a detached house, with all the room that I want and all the area I want.
作者: huikit    時間: 2012-5-1 10:43 PM

有好多人见我地系亚洲人就虾得就虾, 下次再系甘你应该更加多地制造"正常的声音". 美国支持公平, 所以你也不必要太迁就别人. 最重要的是也不要做得过分, 如果因为地板太旧而令到正常的走动产生声音, 可以叫房东免费修理.
作者: ninisdealnews    時間: 2012-5-6 12:42 AM

作者: hayashi_766    時間: 2012-5-8 02:28 PM

作者: abanaba    時間: 2012-5-19 04:50 AM

Serve him right.  You tried to be a good neighbor and if it doesn't work, so be it.  You didn't do anything wrong so you don't have to take his sh1t.
作者: hggolfhjb    時間: 2012-5-19 01:14 PM

你的遭遇已经算好,我碰到与你一样的情况,但是对方竟是一个中国人(台湾) ,而且还居然说不喜欢跟中国人做邻居.
作者: burgessking    時間: 2012-5-20 09:05 AM

In US , you need to speak up. otherwise they will run you over. We need to use our brain ,and not just our mouth , thanks for sharing this story . I hope your daughter did not feel bad at all ,it was not her fault .
作者: a60467387    時間: 2012-5-22 11:54 AM

作者: mm4games    時間: 2012-5-25 10:45 AM

本帖最後由 mm4games 於 2012-5-25 10:47 AM 編輯

There are good and bad people everywhere.  People take advantage of you, if you do not defense yourself not matter where you are - in China, Hong Kong, Canada, or in your case LA.  I am living in NYC for over 10 years, lucky I never have such problem.  

My recommendation is to know your rights, in US its governing by law and regulations.  In this case the tenant below does not have the rights to complain if the noises are consider normal behaviors and it should not affecting their normal life.  Even the police does not able to take action against either one, unless the noise is excessive.  Luckily polices that I encountered in NYC are mostly friendly from my experience.
作者: jack006    時間: 2012-6-10 03:14 AM

作者: fancy333    時間: 2012-6-10 08:10 AM

作者: 茶記    時間: 2012-6-10 08:20 AM


作者: skyblue716    時間: 2012-6-10 10:04 AM

yeah, totally agree
作者: ivtom    時間: 2012-6-11 06:52 AM

作者: dangfuyinwa    時間: 2012-6-11 07:01 AM

too surprised!  you should move
作者: jasonlau11    時間: 2012-6-13 05:14 PM

作者: masterasia26    時間: 2012-6-13 10:01 PM

樓主的作法很正確! 欣賞~
作者: chriskyk    時間: 2012-6-14 12:05 AM

I agree with your action. Support to the max!
作者: brandy66    時間: 2012-6-14 03:34 AM

作者: hcju    時間: 2012-6-14 04:28 AM

作者: omonline    時間: 2012-6-18 12:35 PM

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作者: calvin6302    時間: 2012-6-18 04:02 PM

你做的很好, 對自己的不公平表達出來, 這不是人人都能做到的.
作者: asas_asas    時間: 2012-6-19 12:05 AM

this is  why i want  back to HK.
作者: l78z    時間: 2012-6-19 12:28 AM

作者: trd5    時間: 2012-6-19 02:08 PM

美國人就是這樣 連隔壁的泳池沒打掃都會找警察來跟你說 (我當時駐LA)
作者: 1479601641a    時間: 2012-6-20 10:40 AM

作者: Jeremyc1205    時間: 2012-6-21 02:15 AM

作者: cs042982    時間: 2012-7-6 11:49 PM

作者: dingks    時間: 2012-7-18 05:30 PM

作者: diulelomay    時間: 2012-7-23 08:09 AM

it's typical... is your neighbor also chinese?
作者: 香港男人    時間: 2012-7-27 02:17 PM

作者: cerrolinda    時間: 2012-7-28 11:55 PM

discrimination 佢地會睇人嚟蝦
作者: webcatman    時間: 2012-12-24 09:09 AM

Different culture!
作者: macally7450tvb2    時間: 2012-12-25 06:09 PM

when you live in us using the American style to do thing don't be afraid living in America everyone is fair so don't worry
作者: Joyrider    時間: 2012-12-25 10:32 PM

作者: pinglam    時間: 2012-12-26 02:39 AM

作者: qqkkk    時間: 2012-12-26 05:35 PM

作者: serrurier    時間: 2013-2-2 01:10 PM

作者: Leon99    時間: 2013-2-15 10:36 AM

作者: jacinthlin    時間: 2013-2-16 01:42 AM

作者: bobface    時間: 2013-2-16 02:29 AM

1# loadrunner 我住basement,现在冬天早上也要把风扇打开来盖住楼上的燥音才能继续训觉。不过他地是中国人,我不能用对付鬼佬的那一套,只有多容忍。鬼佬好假,即使同他地有过节,之后可以当没事发生一样同你say hi&bye.
作者: hewen0917    時間: 2013-3-6 06:34 PM

作者: no_one_can    時間: 2013-5-8 11:27 AM

作者: sunny4b    時間: 2013-5-13 04:35 AM

You do in correct way!!
作者: zkent00    時間: 2013-5-30 07:55 AM

you need to speak up.
作者: Ricky_L1010    時間: 2013-5-30 05:41 PM

Different culture!
作者: dyp238    時間: 2013-6-6 08:29 AM

本帖最後由 dyp238 於 2013-6-6 08:30 AM 編輯
做的好, 不是所有的老外都很友善. 适当的提醒也是很重要!
JBCCK 發表於 2012-1-25 11:12 PM
我非常同意你的观点,我们要有理 有据 有节的来维护自己的权利
作者: chiekawamura    時間: 2013-6-6 08:45 AM

公寓还是不方便的说啊 在国外的话
作者: jetstars    時間: 2013-6-6 07:37 PM

Good on you, you have done the right thing !!
作者: wwwooo13    時間: 2013-6-9 01:20 PM

作者: gill2046    時間: 2013-6-11 06:30 PM

作者: aclo    時間: 2013-6-15 07:45 PM

Chinese living in western society ............
作者: nksooi    時間: 2013-6-30 02:46 PM

Thanks for sharing.
作者: rainman7    時間: 2013-7-3 11:31 PM

New Yorkers are known for being rude, sometimes you just have to stand up for yourself
作者: anguslai123    時間: 2013-7-4 10:30 PM

作者: szesen    時間: 2013-7-5 08:26 PM

作者: tvpro    時間: 2013-7-18 05:22 PM

作者: beibeileung    時間: 2013-7-20 10:18 PM

作者: 80'Sgirl    時間: 2013-7-23 10:28 AM

作者: jadekey    時間: 2013-10-18 05:03 AM

agree. Don't be afraid. People are equal in the US. That is the only good thing. 1# loadrunner
作者: nl3ckyse    時間: 2013-10-20 03:55 PM

作者: jadekey    時間: 2013-11-3 04:57 AM

you need to stand up for it. 1# loadrunner
作者: DixonWong    時間: 2013-11-11 12:28 PM

haaa I dont really have this problem when I am living in Utah.
作者: Cageon    時間: 2013-11-11 01:19 PM

u should defend ur rights..
作者: patywwat    時間: 2013-12-15 09:14 PM

thanks for sharing
作者: jacklei123    時間: 2013-12-20 08:42 AM

美国人就是这样,等你懂得用正确渠道保护自己,他就不敢欺负你了。 thumps up!
作者: abrin    時間: 2013-12-23 03:37 PM

本帖最後由 abrin 於 2013-12-23 03:38 PM 編輯

事實證明當有事發生時, 只要裝無辜就無敵了     SMA End Launch Taiwan Manufacturer
作者: shibala    時間: 2013-12-24 06:22 AM

my neighbor same shit.... always complains and yelling and screaming.  present herself like the world revolves around her.   as Chinese, we usually just 息事寧人.  then one day, i fired back, confronted her, just basically give her idea of you are not weak you just dun wanna fight but you have to you will, then they will 收斂一點.  

of coz' sometimes you don't want to not be able to nicely say hi to look each other in the eye, but if things got out of hand, then you can't really always be the one who suck everything in.
作者: citydancer2000    時間: 2014-2-11 08:37 AM

Thanks a lot !!!
作者: foucault    時間: 2014-2-14 06:08 PM

作者: zkent00    時間: 2014-2-17 10:01 AM

that's right. you have to know your right and use it.

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