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關山舊火車站是東部幹線僅存比照日本北方農家的樣式建築完成,曾經因為鐵路東部幹線的暢通及關山車站的落成,促使客家人移居至東部地區的人口日愈增多,也讓阿美族德高班寮社更大規模的東遷,是見證台灣歷史變遷的重要一頁。 $ } T6 c; f! Z0 h' Xwww3.tvboxnow.com% \" P' e7 \" M, z5 b8 K
關山鎮-關山舊火車站 has done its historical job, and let people remind the history of letting people move the the EAST. Its Japanese style construction and design has a lengend to show what happened in the past.