1 C/ \6 E; C2 d0 b" S t9 _9 @" ^tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 成功漁港也是東海岸賞鯨活動的重要據點,設有遊艇碼頭,熱門的海上生態之旅「賞鯨豚之旅」,成功新港漁港是出海賞鯨主要碼頭之一。賞鯨船自早上7點開始,每2小時一班,每天3班,出海約30分鐘即可看到鯨豚在白色浪花上嬉戲的畫面,讓一償賞鯨美夢的驚喜連連,大呼過癮。 o- v5 [7 f' ~3 N. f * R! [/ Z9 V2 E9 v- n* K4 ]5 e 鄰近成功漁港的海濱公園,景緻怡人,是親子共遊的好地方。 - M& c) j$ _! e2 R z2 A. K" Q $ S" }0 q5 X' j2 v9 c 新港漁業大樓船式的造型,相當吸引人,也更突顯此地為成功鎮政經機能中心的地位。每天下午3~4時漁船陸續返港卸貨後,在漁業大樓的漁獲拍賣市場熱鬧非凡,是觀賞漁獲拍賣景觀和漁港風光的好去處。 作者: icipuzzle 時間: 2012-4-23 06:31 AM
Even this 成功漁港is not the biggest in Taiwan, but Fish catch auction and Whales and dolphins sight seeing is the most interesting selling points of visiting this city. The catch of tht day are also a wonderful meal for most fish eaters too. Great to know this city and remember to visit this city next time to Taiwan.