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標題: [討論] Should you buy a DSLR or a Compact? [打印本頁]

作者: carolfeeling    時間: 2007-11-26 02:22 AM     標題: Should you buy a DSLR or a Compact?

Should you buy a DSLR or a Compact?
If you’re shopping for a new digital camera one of the biggest decisions to make is whether to go for a digital SLR or a compact / superzoom model. Each has distinct pros and cons so it’s important to understand both the benefits and downsides in order to buy the right camera for your kind of photography.

The question ‘to DSLR or not’ is one of the most commonly posed on the Cameralabs forums so we’ve provided this article to help you make the right decision. By asking yourself a few simple questions, you’ll soon discover what type of camera will be most appropriate for your requirements, after which you can check out our Buyers Guides to find the top models in each category.
Ultimately you can take pictures of people, landscapes, or close-ups with any camera, but some models are better-suited to specific types of photography than others not to mention being better-suited for certain types of photographers. So what follows is a list of key questions you should be asking yourself when deciding what type of camera to buy they’ll help you make the important decision of whether to go for a DSLR, a compact or a super-zoom digital camera.

Q: Do you need a camera which responds very quickly?
A: If you’re into action photography, or are simply frustrated by any delay between pressing the button and your picture being taken, then you should seriously consider a DSLR. There are a handful of unusually quick compacts or superzooms, like the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H9, but generally speaking a DSLR will startup and respond much quicker than a compact, not to mention offer superior continuous shooting capabilities. Focusing on DSLRs is also normally quicker, although this is greatly influenced by the type of lens you fit, so if you’re serious about shooting wildlife, sports or even just fast-moving kids then consider upgrading the supplied ‘kit’ lens to a quicker model.
Winner: DSLR (although you may need to upgrade the kit lens for the quickest focusing)
Q: Do you like composing photos using the colour screen?
A: Composing photos using a nice big colour screen is one of the joys of digital photography, but sadly it’s something which most DSLRs are simply unable to do. There are a handful of DSLRs with Live View facilities which let you compose with the screen (most notably the Olympus E-410 and Olympus E-510), but they don’t work as smoothly as a compact and the rest require you to press your eye up to the traditional optical viewfinder. In practice a DSLR viewfinder actually allows you to check the focusing much better than a colour screen, but the fact is if you want to compose using a monitor, you’ll be better-off buying a compact or super-zoom; some even offer flip-out screens for shooting at unusual angles.
Winner: Compact or Superzoom (although some DSLRs now offer a Live View facility)
Q: How important is taking photos in very low light?
A: DSLRs have physically much larger sensors than compacts or superzooms, which allows them to be more sensitive to light. This in turn means much better picture quality at higher sensitivities (the bigger ISO numbers) whether you’re shooting under low light conditions or with the fastest shutter speeds to freeze action. This is a key advantage of DSLRs and for an example of what happens to the picture quality of a compact and a DSLR as you increase the sensitivity, see our Canon PowerShot G7 results - and remember this is not an isolated case. So if decent quality at high sensitivities is important to you, go for a DSLR every time.
Winner: DSLR by a mile
Q: Are you unwilling to clean your camera or images for dust?
A: The ability to swap lenses is a key advantage of DSLRs, but equally their Achilles Heel as dust particles can settle in front of the sensor and cause tiny dark marks on your photos. Many DSLRs now boast anti-dust facilities (and of them all, the Olympus SSWF is the best), but in our experience none have proven 100% infallible.
The bottom line is dust will affect every DSLR owner at some point, so you’d better get used to dealing with it either by retouching your existing photos, or using a blower to physically dislodge particles; see our anti-dust guide. In contrast, compacts and superzoom cameras are sealed devices and therefore virtually impervious to dust getting inside (although it’s not completely unheard of). Note DSLR owners can reduce the risk of dust by rarely changing lenses, and this is where superzoom lenses like the Nikkor 18-200mm can prove a very practical option.
Winner: Compact or Superzoom (although if you rarely swap lenses on a DSLR, the risk is minimised)
Q: Do you want a powerful zoom range in a small, light and affordable package?
A: Simple: buy a superzoom camera. These typically offer 10 to 18x optical zoom lenses which can take you from decent wide angle to serious telephoto coverage in a very portable and affordable form factor. Most superzooms are much smaller, lighter and cheaper than a DSLR fitted with a basic 3x kit lens. Models like the Panasonic Lumix TZ3 can even fit in your pocket.
Winner: Superzoom

Q: Do you need to use an external flashgun or studio lighting
A: While a handful of compacts and superzooms offer flash hotshoes (most notably the Canon PowerShot G7 and Panasonic Lumix FZ50), the fact is DSLRs are much better equipped to connect with and control external lighting. So if you’re linking multiple flashguns or fancy renting a studio for the day, a DSLR is the camera for you.
Winner: DSLR (although some higher-end compacts and superzooms sport hotshoes)

Q: Is the size and weight of your camera a big issue?
A: Due to their lens mounts and internal mirrors, DSLRs are simply bigger and heavier than most compacts or superzoom cameras. If you want a camera you can slip in a pocket or a small bag, then a compact or a superzoom is the best choice. If you want the smallest possible DSLR though, consider the Olympus E-410.
Winner: Compact or Superzoom

Q: Do you want ultra wide angle coverage or other specialist lenses?
A: Many compacts and superzooms now boast 28mm wide angle coverage, but if you want to capture an even bigger field of view you’re really looking at having a DSLR with an optional ultra-wide angle lens. Special adapters may increase the coverage of some compacts and superzooms, but they’re bulky and again can’t match what’s possible with a DSLR. This equally applies to other specialist lenses, whether they’re very powerful, designed for low-light conditions, optimised for close-up photography, or even offer control over perspective. If you’re willing to invest in additional lenses (and carry them around), a DSLR offers much greater flexibility.
Winner: DSLR (although you’ll also need to invest in the specialist lenses)
Q: Do you want the ability to capture video clips?

A: This one’s very simple: at the time of writing there were no DSLRs capable of recording video clips, so if this feature’s important to you, go for a compact or a superzoom model.
Winner: Compact or Superzoom (although for the best video and audio quality, buy a camcorder)

Q: Do you want complete control over all the settings?
A: Many compacts and superzooms offer manual modes, but most are restricted in what they’ll let you do. Some settings may only be available under certain conditions, and the longest exposures may be less than a minute. If you want the maximum control over your camera’s settings or require long exposures for special effects or astro-photography, a DSLR is the way to go.
Winner: DSLR
作者: myong    時間: 2007-11-26 02:46 PM

作者: crazie    時間: 2007-11-26 09:32 PM

Depends on what you want to do with the camera.... for snap shots like parties and birthday celebration etc.
Of course compact .... easy & safe to carry around in crowds.

But If you want to do more; like landscape and sports events..DSLR is much better due to changeable lens..

I've got both.
作者: devil2007    時間: 2007-11-27 01:28 PM

i prefer compact.... hanging out or go for travel also convienient. Somemore if without the skills n knowledge...hard to uisng DSLR to capture nice pictures.
作者: huasheng    時間: 2007-11-27 08:47 PM

i prefer DSLR....for travelling,
although it's more heavier than compact, but it produces higher quality pic

actually to choose which to buy, depends on your own interest in photography, n also the features you stressed on.
for me, both hav their own advantages.
作者: lyanbebe    時間: 2007-12-1 12:33 PM

or super zoom.

no need bring too much lens.
作者: malman    時間: 2008-1-14 08:01 PM

There is no absolute answer, it all depends on personal needs and preferences. :onion31: Can I vote for both?
作者: carolfeeling    時間: 2008-1-15 03:15 PM     標題: 回復 #7 malman 的帖子

sure, you can.. it's a vote for your voice and concern.
作者: razom    時間: 2008-6-28 11:24 AM

i prefer DSLR because it can take nice picture
作者: elyn_ng    時間: 2008-7-1 04:46 AM

Both, each serves different purpose under different and special circumstances or occasions. If i were to choose one, I would go for DSLR without any hesitation due to the picture quality ! Alas, the price difference between entry DSLR & high-end prosumer cameras, is minimal ! However DSLR incurs more money, that would cost an arm or leg, when it comes to buying top quality lenses and other accesories ! Therefore up to individual to decide then ! :onion05:
作者: smoothpku    時間: 2008-9-20 09:47 PM

I think both of them we need. :)
作者: mllc    時間: 2008-9-21 05:00 AM

both ... since they are so different ...
作者: moxfactor    時間: 2009-12-9 09:30 PM

maybe it's better to name where you copied this post from...
作者: tvbckbt    時間: 2010-1-4 11:13 AM

作者: sox978    時間: 2010-1-13 02:40 PM

作者: firesphere    時間: 2010-4-3 01:01 AM

If you're really into photography, go DSLR else compact nowadays is good enough.
作者: raymondwy    時間: 2010-4-17 04:57 PM

It depends on your financial situation really. If you're rich, you ought to get both. Since DSLR is big and ugly while taking extraordinary pictures while DCs take decent pictures but VERY compact. And sometimes, we need both depending on where we are going.
作者: orangekubi    時間: 2010-8-19 07:03 PM

a compact can easily b replaced by a cell phone..
now a days the camera function in a cell phone is not bad already...
y waste money to get "another camera"
作者: 阿福928    時間: 2010-8-20 11:36 AM

compact camera is q cheap...but limited function...
DSLR is expensive, quality of the picture is very good..but...difficult to manage...if you dun know how to manage, the picture might worst than compact camera phone...
作者: yuji82    時間: 2010-8-20 08:29 PM

DSLR is definitely better than compact in term of pic quality but it is much more expensive
作者: ronron0127    時間: 2010-9-28 09:19 PM

thx for sharing
作者: second5cm    時間: 2011-2-11 11:52 AM

sox978 發表於 2010-1-13 02:40 PM
個人認為選DSLR比較要注意的是選擇一些已經有一系列鏡頭可供選擇的牌子,例如Canon 或Nikon機,兩廠也有很多鏡頭及配件可供選購。至於那一個比較好便要看個人了。最好先去做一些研究,比較一下自己的預算,找出能力範圍所能購買的兩個不同牌子的型號,再親自去店舖試一下兩不同牌子的機給你怎麼樣的感覺,才決定選那一個牌子,因為不同牌子的操作跟按鈕位置也很不一樣,每個人也有不相同的喜好。
作者: jmr0896    時間: 2014-1-10 04:22 PM

Compact will do, I think.
作者: b-boomer    時間: 2014-1-15 01:56 AM

Do you guys know there are Microless available now. Size in between DSLR and Compact, just a little bigger than compact. Lens changeable, features like DSLR. I have one for more than one year, and I enjoy to use it as a DSLR.
作者: WuSoLo    時間: 2014-1-15 08:01 AM

Do you guys know there are Microless available now. Size in between DSLR and Compact, just a little bigger than compact. Lens changeable, features like DSLR. I have one for more than one year, and I e ...
b-boomer 發表於 2014-1-15 01:56 AM
的確,現在流行的「無反」機型連 135mm 的全片幅也有了,在預算充裕下可作考慮;不過還要記著要有購買鏡頭的錢啊!
作者: kant_mo    時間: 2014-1-16 09:30 AM

作者: e88ccman    時間: 2014-1-18 11:26 AM

In my own experience, there is coming back once you use a DSLR especially a full frame DSLR. The color, bokeh and 3D appearance. It is really difficult to reproduce using a small DC. However, it is heavy, especially good fast lenses, some may not like it because of the weight.

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