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標題: 大家想基拔圖施華 留低定離去... (單選) [打印本頁]

作者: wlt1110    時間: 2007-11-26 02:31 PM     標題: 大家想基拔圖施華 留低定離去... (單選)

大家想基拔圖施華 留低定離去...

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純粹想睇下大家對佢嘅睇法 ...

作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-26 02:42 PM




作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-26 02:44 PM

原帖由 wlt1110 於 2007-11-26 02:31 PM 發表
大家想基拔圖施華 留低定離去...

[顯示] [隱藏] 純粹想睇下大家對佢嘅睇法 ...
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-26 05:44 PM

作者: DouJ85    時間: 2007-11-26 06:38 PM

i think he must go to other club..coz he alr cant be 1st team player in arsenal..and arsenal policy focus on the young player..a player jz hv about 20 years can be prfesional football player, so for his future, he must go to another team...
作者: tang6620    時間: 2007-11-26 06:44 PM

作者: dick007    時間: 2007-11-26 07:14 PM

i think he should leave... becuz it will benifit to arsenal and player himself....
gilberto can get a better salary if he join juventus and gets a longer period of contract or he might finish his career there...

for Arsenal, we can get chances for denilson, song, diarra or others( like modric ,he might come) ,remember how fabregas rised up...
so, overall it's better to sell him by next year summer becuz those young player will get enough of experiences and he can help us with his experience when we have some problems espezcially during the last period of premier league, we need someone to stand up for us...
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-26 09:12 PM

原帖由 DouJ85 於 2007-11-26 06:38 PM 發表
i think he must go to other club..coz he alr cant be 1st team player in arsenal..and arsenal policy focus on the young player..a player jz hv about 20 years can be prfesional football player, so for h ...
SURE, Even if he leave ARSENAL, we should hope he has got his good future with other clubs.
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-26 09:18 PM

原帖由 dick007 於 2007-11-26 07:14 PM 發表
i think he should leave... becuz it will benifit to arsenal and player himself....
gilberto can get a better salary if he join juventus and gets a longer period of contract or he might finish his care ...
WELL DONE, You give a good explanation to him and i believe even if with Gilberto himself may not be clear as what he should do. From your point of view, it's really benefit to both Arsenal's and Player's.

Hope you could express your opinion HERE more often and we need someone like YOU!
作者: dick007    時間: 2007-11-26 10:00 PM

原帖由 jacksonkua 於 2007-11-26 16:18 發表

WELL DONE, You give a good explanation to him and i believe even if with Gilberto himself may not be clear as what he should do. From your point of view, it's really b ...
hehe... :014: :014: :014: ... i will.. thx
作者: wlt1110    時間: 2007-11-27 12:54 AM     標題: 回復 #3 jacksonkua 的帖子

how u know i havent vote!!!
i vote 離去...cos 可有可无。。!!!
作者: HONBITERU    時間: 2007-11-27 12:59 AM

:onion03:以他的經驗及無私的表現, 所謂無功都有勞呀! 我希望佢留低;但可惜...雲加一定唔係咁諗,唉!!!!
作者: lemonchik    時間: 2007-11-27 02:04 AM

sure stay in Arsenal la
作者: westbuckboy    時間: 2007-11-27 03:03 AM

if he has to leave to save  his international career (like Lehmann) then, he should leave, buh i hope he can come back to arsenal as a coach once his career is finished, because with his exp, it will benifit lots of youngsters, like someone sed it b4!!
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-27 09:35 AM

原帖由 wlt1110 於 2007-11-27 12:54 AM 發表
how u know i havent vote!!!
i vote 離去...cos 可有可无。。!!!
Ha..ha because i am the (First-one) Voted mah...
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-27 09:39 AM

原帖由 HONBITERU 於 2007-11-27 12:59 AM 發表
:onion03:以他的經驗及無私的表現, 所謂無功都有勞呀! 我希望佢留低;但可惜...雲加一定唔係咁諗,唉!!!!

作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-27 09:44 AM

原帖由 westbuckboy 於 2007-11-27 03:03 AM 發表
if he has to leave to save  his international career (like Lehmann) then, he should leave, buh i hope he can come back to arsenal as a coach once his career is finished, because with his exp, it will  ...
HA..HA..Yalah, if he don't have a place in Arsenal starting 11, how to maintain his Brazilian Captain?

作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-27 09:46 AM

原帖由 lemonchik 於 2007-11-27 02:04 AM 發表
sure stay in Arsenal la
作者: crashersus    時間: 2007-11-27 10:47 AM

he will be the "old man" to leave Arsenal just like Pires, Henry they all...Bye bye Gilberto....
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-27 11:27 AM

原帖由 crashersus 於 2007-11-27 10:47 AM 發表
he will be the "old man" to leave Arsenal just like Pires, Henry they all...Bye bye Gilberto....
作者: wlt1110    時間: 2007-11-28 02:32 AM

i think wenger will sell gilberto n lehman!
cos seldom put they2 player ,especially lehman...never c him play!!
is a selling signal !!!
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-28 04:38 AM

原帖由 wlt1110 於 2007-11-28 02:32 AM 發表
i think wenger will sell gilberto n lehman!
cos seldom put they2 player ,especially lehman...never c him play!!
is a selling signal !!!
Yes, usually this is First Sign when the Manager left the particular player's on the pitch.

I believe Lehmans may 80% left and Gilberto may still 50-50!
作者: wlt1110    時間: 2007-11-28 05:07 PM     標題: 回復 #26 漫狗 的帖子

is is true..that why arsenal lose ball!!!!
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-28 06:05 PM

原帖由 wlt1110 於 2007-11-28 05:07 PM 發表
is is true..that why arsenal lose ball!!!!
I think MK referring to Gilberto. Last night he played for full 90 min but the performance just average...
作者: wlt1110    時間: 2007-11-28 06:14 PM     標題: 回復 #28 jacksonkua 的帖子

作者: canz85    時間: 2007-11-28 08:07 PM

2>目前的ARSENAL还需要他~~~如果当ARSENAL 70分钟赢着一比零的时候,就很需要他来加强防守至于,还能参与进攻~:onion14:


作者: kpeople    時間: 2007-11-29 01:02 AM

i think should go lah
stay also no more use
wenger also dun want use him
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-29 09:56 AM

原帖由 canz85 於 2007-11-28 08:07 PM 發表
2>目前的ARSENAL还需要他~~~如果当ARSENAL 70分钟赢着一比零的时候,就很需要他来加强防守至于,还能参与进攻~:onion14:

如果真的有人选 ...
如果WENGER真的让GILBERTO离开,我相信WENGER心里一定有适当的替补人选。 暂时我看到的是FLAMINI和DIARRA可能代替他的位置。但是论经验,GILBERTO还是比他们丰富许多。
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-29 09:58 AM

原帖由 kpeople 於 2007-11-29 01:02 AM 發表
i think should go lah
stay also no more use
wenger also dun want use him
Ha ha for the sick of the Player himself, i would also suggest Silva to left but not now and atleast at the end of the Season.
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-29 10:00 AM


8票选择离开; 8票选择留下。

作者: xplod    時間: 2007-11-30 01:26 AM

i hope he can stay in arsrenal for 2 years..becoz he can help arsenal young player..
作者: rivaldoliu    時間: 2007-11-30 01:39 AM

作者: 可爱    時間: 2007-11-30 01:48 PM

Stay :onion31:
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-30 02:53 PM

原帖由 rivaldoliu 於 2007-11-30 01:39 AM 發表
而且学tevez话斋,没必要等到职 ...
:onion05: 在于FIFA MANAGER的角度,一位年过三十的球员的确是"没有价"了。而且他们的周薪也偏高。如果以球会长远利益,还是卖掉算了。。而那些转会费可以买些年轻的球员来锻炼。但是,球赛的成绩也许会下滑。:onion05:
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-30 02:56 PM

留低---12;離去---9:onion14: :onion14:
作者: jacksonkua    時間: 2007-11-30 06:45 PM

原帖由 漫狗 於 2007-11-30 05:19 PM 發表

不是啊!!留下的是11。 为什么少了???
又有幽灵 "选民"???

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