不過在威斯布魯克、杜蘭特不斷進攻的情況下,哈登三分線外有不少機會,可惜他沒把握住,4場下來三分14投4中,命中率28%。本場第四節雷霆追分時刻,哈登連續投失兩記空位三分,隨後又有一次反擊上空藍的機會,結果哈登上籃不進錯失反超比分良機。這三個球無一命中說明哈登的心理已經失衡。熱火三分持續開張,雷霆外線縮卵,這麼打下去,總決賽將隻剩一場。作者: JackyNelson 時間: 2012-6-21 02:51 AM
seems like Harden is lacking of confidence, which we all can see in Game 4, he missed few wild open jump shoot, & he give up some KEY wild open jump to others in the 4th quarter, he should be attacking the basket if couldn't make the jump shot.作者: BeiDouChef 時間: 2012-6-21 03:31 AM
& last 2 mins, as LBJ was hurted & still in the court, don't know why OKC not giving the ball to whomever LBJ guarding.... taking the big advantage of slow LBJ... 作者: ai1421261394 時間: 2012-6-21 09:13 AM
哈登總決賽迷失了,狀態好差作者: BeiDouChef 時間: 2012-6-22 01:30 AM