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kmarstar | 2012-6-27 03:23 PM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
babayung | 2012-6-27 03:22 PM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
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sneeky234 | 2012-6-30 09:24 AM | TVB 130000 元 | 積分轉出 |
chabeila | 2012-6-30 09:23 AM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
happy721022 | 2012-6-30 09:23 AM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
怎 ...
sneeky234 發表於 2012-6-29 05:53 AM
第一:普通人大多数拿不到身份。第二:什么魚台,在日本分分钟排华,不安全! 第三:日本人唔是好喜欢华人,二等都唔得要三等公民。 所以日本去得屎都食得。 ...
ch0800 發表於 2012-6-30 09:47 AM
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ch0800 | 2012-6-30 09:57 AM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
如果有機會的話, 我一定會去~~~ 其實自己一直有學習日語, 但大部份時候也只是自修模式, 只是在大學時正正式式的念了幾個semesters。 以前在英國的時候也聽說過可以去日本一邊教英文一邊學日文, 但又聽說 ...
shiroikoala 發表於 2012-6-30 10:39 AM
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shiroikoala | 2012-7-2 09:57 AM | TVB 150000 元 | 積分轉出 |
1.每年一定去京都和女友過生日既我有這個看法、日本人對華人既友善開始減 .年少時我在新大久保上學、住在大塚、近年來去日本旅行既大陸客增加、那種本大爺到此消費財大氣粗之行為、
對日本人既秩序做成很大衝擊、其 ...
deesiu 發表於 2012-6-30 10:44 AM
時間 | 支出 | 操作 | |
deesiu | 2012-7-2 10:05 AM | TVB 150000 元 | 積分轉出 |
第一:你合法進日本,可以拿到永居嗎?(在英国合法打工五年就有机会拿到永居!)第二:我在英国看到的新闻,什么魚台事件,日本人䢟行,烧中国国期他们的那种行为很可怕! 第三:我身边有很多朋友在日本打工都説, ...
ch0800 發表於 2012-6-30 11:12 PM
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omonline | 2012-7-2 10:17 AM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
第一:你合法進日本,可以拿到永居嗎?(在英国合法打工五年就有机会拿到永居!)第二:我在英国看到的新闻,什么魚台事件,日本人䢟行,烧中国国期他们的那种行为很可怕! 第三:我身边有很多朋友在日本打工都説, ...
ch0800 發表於 2012-6-30 11:12 PM
日本 之前也滿有意願的 但也要考量到經濟能力 不過前陣子到澳洲去工作
說實在話 也給了自己一個體驗 有些不是自己想的那麼好 去了才知道
但還有機會話 我還是會選擇到國外去發展~
日本較有興趣是 餐飲類 如烘培 ...
harata2012 發表於 2012-7-2 10:18 AM
時間 | 支出 | 操作 | |
harata2012 | 2012-7-3 08:48 AM | TVB 130000 元 | 積分轉出 |
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53280481 | 2012-7-3 08:51 AM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
而且日本不喜歡中國人....老一輩有戰爭背景....就如國內的教肓一樣, 某些事實被瞞騙了....
mk008008008 發表於 2012-7-2 08:24 PM
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mk008008008 | 2012-7-3 08:58 AM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
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tenkun | 2012-7-3 09:01 AM | TVB 130000 元 | 積分轉出 |
在日本留學還可以, 工作便不好了. 日本的生活水平很高, 工作壓力又大. 放工後還要應酬.
不過一句到尾, 出學留學見識吓係好好嘅
essence 發表於 2012-7-2 09:23 PM
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essence | 2012-7-3 09:04 AM | TVB 120000 元 | 積分轉出 |
當然會, 有機會不出外見識老了可沒機會, 不要說日本, 到任何地方留學/工作都一定會有所得到著!
到日本留學除了學日語外, 最重要是要了解,學習他們的思考方式和文化! ...
nkc502 發表於 2012-7-3 12:19 AM
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nkc502 | 2012-7-3 09:12 AM | TVB 130000 元 | 積分轉出 |
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藍冰 | 2012-7-3 09:15 AM | TVB 120000 元 | 積分轉出 |
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alien305 | 2012-7-6 08:52 AM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
Yes, I would love to study in Japan. In fact, I've actually planned to study Japanese in Tokyo a few years ago, but my company won't let me take a no pay leave to go. Hence I ended up hiring a priva ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-5 08:10 AM
時間 | 支出 | 操作 | |
bokeh | 2012-7-6 08:56 AM | TVB 150000 元 | 積分轉出 |
Is your private tutor a Japanese or? Did she/he does a good job??
Haha, study abroad in Japan =/= be Japanese citizen
If you really love Japan, you MUST come and feel Japan by yourself
I think this ...
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-6 08:57 AM
但 ...
i熊仔 發表於 2012-7-6 10:19 AM
時間 | 支出 | 操作 | |
i熊仔 | 2012-7-9 11:04 AM | TVB 120000 元 | 積分轉出 |
至于为什 ...
batian 發表於 2012-7-7 09:23 AM
時間 | 支出 | 操作 | |
batian | 2012-7-9 11:09 AM | TVB 120000 元 | 積分轉出 |
Yes, my private tutor is a Japanese male. He used to taught Japanese in university. When I met him, he was already semi-retired. He did a good job in teaching me Japanese.
Oh, I've been to Japan ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-7 01:27 PM
最不 "麻煩", 應該就是短期留學了吧!?
from Taiwan ...
stonewell 發表於 2012-7-7 04:34 PM
時間 | 支出 | 操作 | |
stonewell | 2012-7-9 11:15 AM | TVB 120000 元 | 積分轉出 |
well, it's a good thing.... such an opportunity to experience diff. culture
结衣 發表於 2012-7-8 11:33 AM
時間 | 支出 | 操作 | |
结衣 | 2012-7-9 11:17 AM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
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唐老先生 | 2012-7-9 11:22 AM | TVB 120000 元 | 積分轉出 |
樓上有人提過加入主 ...
teafume 發表於 2012-7-9 02:05 PM
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teafume | 2012-7-10 08:56 AM | TVB 150000 元 | 積分轉出 |
You're so lucky. You must speak good Japanese.
Will you planning to study a short term course like a month in Japan? To improve your Japanese knowledge.
Btw, what kind of job are you doing now?
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-9 11:12 AM
I don't have any plans to study in Japan right now as I have my mom depending on me. I can't really leave her behind right now. And to answer your question, I'm in the IT field, so absolutely no ne ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-10 10:38 AM
oic, then study in Japan is not that necessary in your case. IT field, i think it's not easy to get a job to let you fly to Japan often........
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-10 01:53 PM
wow, my situation is exactly that of bokeh's: a job in IT and filial duty to fullfil, except that I haven't yet travel to Japan even once and I haven't had a private tutor to teach me Japanese.
Basic ...
teafume 發表於 2012-7-11 04:51 PM
Yeah, it's not necessary for me to study in Japan anymore. It's more like an achievement rather than a necessity. Besides, you really can't find anything in IT field which requires flying over to J ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-11 09:44 AM
咩掟雞蛋啊 fuking east之類我聽得多了
不過好 ...
vodafone903 發表於 2012-7-11 02:22 PM
時間 | 支出 | 操作 | |
vodafone903 | 2012-7-15 08:37 AM | TVB 120000 元 | 積分轉出 |
wow, my situation is exactly that of bokeh's: a job in IT and filial duty to fullfil, except that I haven't yet travel to Japan even once and I haven't had a private tutor to teach me Japanese.
Basic ...
teafume 發表於 2012-7-11 04:51 PM
時間 | 支出 | 操作 | |
teafume | 2012-7-15 08:39 AM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
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gugubaby | 2012-7-15 08:42 AM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
Well, my goal was to pass JLPT Level 1 at the time, so my best bet would be studying in Japan for 6 months before I take the test. Since that couldn't be done, my 2nd choice was to find a private tu ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-12 01:14 PM
Travel by yourself is better that on business trip. You can go anywhere you want.
So, please enjoy your travel in Japan. Japan has too many beauty places to visit.
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-15 08:34 AM
生活費的話,努力申請獎助學金便是,國內的、 ...
dorishs 發表於 2012-7-16 07:40 AM
時間 | 支出 | 操作 | |
dorishs | 2012-7-18 03:39 PM | TVB 150000 元 | 積分轉出 |
I live in Toronto. Unfortunately there is no Japanese school in here which can prep me for the test. Lucky I've met sensei.
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-16 11:09 AM
Yes, I totally agree with you. Travelling by myself is the best! I really enjoy the freedom. As a matter of fact, I'm planning my next trip right now!
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-16 11:16 AM
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小玥玥玥 | 2012-7-18 03:48 PM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
I wouldn't go to Japan, the life there is too tension
I would prefer to go to other better country... say Canada !! very nice environment, and people over there are nice and warm
marl123 發表於 2012-7-16 03:07 PM
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marl123 | 2012-7-18 03:49 PM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
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小東記 | 2012-7-18 03:51 PM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
But I'm curious that, what language is your sensei using when he teach you Japanese language??
Because I found that many students who had a private teacher before, their conversation skills in Japanese not really good.
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-18 03:46 PM
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genki23 | 2012-7-22 09:03 AM | TVB 100000 元 | 積分轉出 |
My sensei taught me in Japanese. All of our conversations were also in pure Japanese. Basically I told him what I wanted to learn and what I wanted to achieve and he walked me to my goal. And beli ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-19 01:16 PM
Still in the planning stage. Tokyo, Hakone (highly possible) and Nagoya. Still considering between Hokkaido and Okinawa. Got any recommendations for me? BTW, I've already been to Aizu Wakamatsu, ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-19 01:27 PM
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