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標題: [新聞] 冰原大逃殺!公北極熊獵食同類 3母子狂奔求生 [打印本頁]

作者: peace2706    時間: 2012-9-14 09:04 PM     標題: 冰原大逃殺!公北極熊獵食同類 3母子狂奔求生



來自英國的導遊保羅戈斯坦(Paul Goldstein),本身也是個攝影好手,他搭上俄羅斯的觀光破冰船,與其他100名觀光客準備來趟難忘的北極冰海之旅。根據《每日郵報》報導,保羅第一眼看到母熊帶著2隻約18個月的幼熊時,並未發現還有第4隻熊在後虎視眈眈。



作者: kht3yt_1wehsj    時間: 2012-9-14 10:55 PM

作者: lumsc    時間: 2012-9-14 11:14 PM

all because of global warming...
作者: vandas    時間: 2012-9-15 02:13 PM


Danger on the horizon: The huge male polar bear (circled) pokes his head out from behind a chunk of ice as he watches the mother and her two cubs

Let's get out of here: The three bears plunge into the water to escape the hungry male

Swim for it: The dramatic chase was witnessed by tourists on a sightseeing expedition Spitsbergen in Norway

Can't keep up: The old male polar bear was not fast enough to catch the family

Quick snack: Despite their flight from the male polar bear, the family still managed to make their way to eat another bear's kill

Any sign of him? After their dramatic swim to safety one of the cubs and his mother keep watch for the threatening male

Keeping an eye out: The incredible images were captured by British tour guide and photographer Paul Goldstein

The stunning creatures continued to swim right under the bow of the ship. At first the astonished tourists did not realise they were fleeing from the male bear

Can't catch me: One of the young cubs rears up to get a look at the old male chasing them

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