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標題: [硬體動態] 光碟翻生?Fujifilm 將推 1TB 光碟 [打印本頁]

作者: laichung    時間: 2012-11-21 11:47 AM     標題: 光碟翻生?Fujifilm 將推 1TB 光碟

今時今日,人人 Google Drive、Drop Box,仲有人用光碟?Fujifilm 日前表示,2015 年可以將光碟容量提升至 1TB,實在令人摸不著頭腦。
目前以 DVD 及 Blu-ray 光碟作儲存,就算尚有人用,亦屬少數,由於寫入燒錄需時,加上壽命有限並不絕對可靠,因而更多人選用乾脆用硬碟或雲端儲存。
要等多兩年才有的 1TB 光碟,還會有人用嗎?

Fujifilm To Bring 1 TeraByte Optical Disc By 2015 – Will You Use It Then?Ankita Katdare Nov 19th, 2012 4 Comments
Storage in optical discs is becoming a bit old-school, but innovation regarding the same doesn’t have to take a backseat. Fujifilm, the multinational imaging company, has a research team working on a new recording method for multilayer optical discs, that uses two-photon absorption to generate heat to bring a one terabyte optical disc. Making a combination of this method with heat-mode recording, the researchers used the technology to apply a laser light with a high energy density to instantaneously increase the temperature of a minute area of a recording material. Thus making multilayer recording of up to 25 Gbytes per layer possible. We all love Blu-rays with 25 GB capacity that take care of most of our data. But with this tech on the verge, we are looking at an additional 20 layers per side of a disc, so what we get is a one terabyte storage capacity. And Fujifilm says that this kind of a storage capacity may come to the market of discs by 2015.

The team at Fujifilm simplified the whole manufacturing process by using “web coating” to form the recording. So, their method completes forming eight layers in just 58 seconds. With an aim to collaborate with the popular names among disc and drive makers, Fujifilm plans to bring a good 15 terabyte optical disc pretty soon.
The research work is indeed a major achievement in digitization and storage, but aren’t we moving towards a future in the cloud? There are debates among technologists about the safekeeping of data over the internet and the fight between soft copy & hard copy is an undying one, but we would definitely want to know – Do our readers think they will be usong 1 TB discs three years from now? If yes, what for? And if no, why so? Shoot in the comments below.

作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2012-11-21 12:17 PM

You're right data storage in dvd or bluray is not reliable at all!
作者: lp1234    時間: 2012-11-21 02:02 PM

作者: 子炎    時間: 2012-11-24 11:20 AM

作者: fish0427    時間: 2012-11-25 11:54 AM

傳說中的"多舊魚" ....歷史遺物
作者: davidchee109    時間: 2012-11-27 09:27 PM

儲存設備正不斷的往上提升,2T 容量的 USB3.0 行動硬碟也已經上市。
相信再不用多久,10T 的行動硬碟也會上市,2年後才要上市一張 1T 的光碟,還會有市場嗎?

屆時,說不定連行動硬碟都要面臨生存的交戰,實在無法理解 2年後才要上市的 1T 光碟,能拿什麼來比拼?

作者: 友淺新恆    時間: 2012-11-28 02:04 AM

第一個感覺 是給PS4用的,等機迷讀餐死既.唔係用黎做咩?
作者: danlitw    時間: 2012-12-2 06:08 PM

作者: danny7999    時間: 2012-12-2 09:59 PM

作者: patricia2000    時間: 2012-12-3 02:46 AM

除了用來儲存自拍4K video 外,實在想不出其最大用途
作者: macally7450tvb2    時間: 2012-12-12 08:30 PM

i think disc era won't end up because when you burn and storage in the disc is most secure
作者: dominic01    時間: 2012-12-15 09:34 PM

傳說中的"多舊魚" ....歷史遺物
fish0427 發表於 2012-11-25 11:54 AM
作者: chookfarmers    時間: 2012-12-16 08:09 AM

At least Fujifilm has courage test the water.
作者: vowoi    時間: 2012-12-16 10:15 AM

1# laichung
作者: Richard7    時間: 2012-12-17 08:10 PM

作者: wbkoay    時間: 2012-12-19 04:35 AM

外接硬碟 容量比他还低哦
作者: jensenchan    時間: 2012-12-19 10:46 PM

1TB... i better use external hard disc..its look like easy break...
作者: 537536    時間: 2012-12-20 10:41 PM

作者: diulelomay    時間: 2013-1-28 10:26 AM

傳說中的"多舊魚" ....歷史遺物
fish0427 發表於 2012-11-25 11:54 AM
Totally agree!!
作者: linggo    時間: 2013-1-28 04:30 PM

2015年.....1TB, 又不足夠用了....
作者: tonyom    時間: 2013-2-5 11:43 PM

作者: 7zzzzzzz    時間: 2013-2-6 03:54 AM

1TB的 .............. 現在有用7.x gb的 , 都好夠了 .....
1tb ... 要來做甚麼 ?
作者: flyhave1    時間: 2013-2-6 08:19 PM


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