貴為旗艦級投影機,EH-TW8100採用了流暢度表現優異的Bright 3D 480Hz立體影像驅動引擎,能夠大幅提升畫面流暢度,有效縮短3D眼鏡兩邊快門同時關閉的Blackout時間,以及減少Crosstalk重影現象。此機又選用新款230W E-TORL高效燈泡,除了體積更為小巧,亦進一步改善漏光與散射等問題,實現2,400流明亮度輸出,在播放3D影像時,畫面光度比前作提升了15%,觀感更舒適。
3d眼鏡太貴,要平價可能還要一段時間吧作者: flyeee 時間: 2012-12-18 02:16 AM
Good stuff. But still kinda expensive to me, and the cost of replacing the lamp is still high. Like 1/3 to 1/4 of the machine. And the life span of the lamp is only 2500 to 3500 hours. That's not very good either.作者: tyt1000 時間: 2012-12-18 01:08 PM