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標題: [新聞] 三新種有毒的,雙舌的靈長類動物! [打印本頁]

作者: colourbeast    時間: 2012-12-18 12:08 PM     標題: 三新種有毒的,雙舌的靈長類動物!

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作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2012-12-18 01:49 PM

If treat it like a pet is still acceptable! Fortunately the lorises were not found in China otherwise it may become a delicious dish!
作者: wolfwolf    時間: 2012-12-18 02:10 PM

I can't believe a mammal has toxins. Looks amazing!
作者: vandas    時間: 2012-12-18 02:11 PM





三年前,聽過懶猴(slow loris)的人還不多,人們還搞不清楚懶猴究竟是繪本作家蘇斯博士筆下的角色, 還是一種調酒的名字?沒想到YouTube上一支寵物懶猴被哈癢的影片,竟讓這種鮮為人知的小型靈長類動物搖身一變成為全球巨星。這支影片至今已有數百萬人次點閱。在網路上輸入搜尋關鍵字「slow loris」,這支影片會出現在搜尋結果的前幾名。


第一次看了那支影片後,我想起過去多次在野外觀察懶猴的經驗,其中有一次令我印象特別深刻。我的柬埔寨嚮導是個叢林硬漢,手裡總是拿著一把大砍刀,那次他被一隻小懶猴(Nycticebus pygmaeus)輕輕咬了一口,這位向來天不怕地不怕的森林勇士竟然驚慌失措地拋下那團致命毛球,並且立刻吸出傷口裡的毒液,讓鮮血流到地上。那時我便想,如果我能更加了解懶猴毒液,或許就能把相關資訊散播出去,嚇阻那些想要養懶猴當寵物的人。





有毒的哺乳動物非常少見,甚至比有牙齒的母雞更稀有。目前只有少數幾種哺乳動物被發現有毒,包括歐洲鼴鼠(Talpa europaea )、水鼩鼱(Neomys fodiens )、南方短尾鼩鼱(Blarina carolinensis )與鴨嘴獸(Ornithorhynchus anatinus )。此外, 歐洲刺蝟(Erinaceus europaeus )的唾液也被認為具有毒性。上述這些動物都以毒液制服獵物,只有鴨嘴獸例外:牠的毒液是用後腿上的防禦尖刺發射,只有雄性在繁殖季時才會分泌,可能是求偶時用來打敗同種競爭者的武器。

與其他物種相比,懶猴的獵物相對體型較大,例如蜥蜴、青蛙和蝙蝠。儘管如此,要觀察懶猴在夜間打獵仍然相當困難。所以我前往位於西爪哇島的西雅普斯靈長類中心(Ciapus Primate Centre),這裡是亞洲唯一專門照顧寵物交易受害懶猴的庇護所。我想知道當懶猴張口咬對手時,是不是為了立刻殺死對方。


我造訪了卡西普杭部落(Kasepuhan),這支部落住在哈里蒙薩拉克山國家公園(Gunung Halimun Salak National Park),這裡是爪哇島碩果僅存的原始森林之一。以「森林保護者」自居的科坎先生(Mr. Kokan)似乎是個諮詢的好對象,但是當我提出關於「muka geni」(當地語言對懶猴的稱呼,意思是「小火臉」)的問題時,房裡登時陷入一片寂靜。



【作者:Anna Nekaris, 譯者:駱香潔】
作者: vandas    時間: 2012-12-18 02:20 PM

[轉貼]叢林小精靈 可愛但毒性致命 婆羅洲發現新品種懶猴!

Discovery: A new species of slow loris - the Nycticebus kayan - has been found in Borneo and the Philippines

科學家最近在印尼婆羅洲發現新物種的小型夜行性靈長類動物。經分析臉部細微特徵後,確認是新品種的懶猴,並將之名為Nycticebus kayan。


英美的研究團隊先後在婆羅洲和菲律賓總共發現三種新種懶猴,先前科學家發現的另外兩種新種懶猴,原以為是Nycticebus menagensis懶猴的亞種,如今也被證實是全新物種,並將這兩種新懶猴命名為Nycticebus bancanus與Nycticebus borneanus。

研究人員表示,懶猴基因類似狐猴,主要生長在南亞一帶。國際自然保護聯盟(IUCN)紅色名單(Red List)上, 將懶猴被列為瀕危物種。專家警告,將此種動物分成四個不同的物種,也意味著牠們面臨滅絕的風險更大,

Cute... but poisonous: New species of slow loris found in jungles of Borneo as experts warn more needs to be done to protect them

A new species of slow loris has been discovered in Borneo.

Conservationists hope the finding will add impetus to efforts to protect the double-tongued animals.

Two previously known subspecies have also been accorded full species status.

But experts are warning that dividing the animals into four distinct species means the risk of extinction is greater than previously believed for the animals but could help efforts to protect the unusual primate.

The loris is the only venomous primate, producing a flesh-rotting poison that can be fatal to humans.
But they are also very cute - and in fact are known as 'jungle gremlins' - which makes them a target for the animal trade.

Captured animals often have their canine and incisor teeth pulled out before being sold on as pets, in a bid to protect their potential owner.

Harming the animals this way, though, can quickly lead to their death, as the toothless primates are unable to feed properly.

'Four separate species are harder to protect than one, since each species needs to maintain its population numbers and have sufficient forest habitat,' said lead author Rachel Munds, MU doctoral student in anthropology in the College of Arts and Science.

'Unfortunately, in addition to habitat loss to deforestation, there is a booming black market demand for the animals. They are sold as pets, used as props for tourist photos or dismembered for use in traditional Asian medicines.'

According to Munds, slow lorises are not domesticated and are protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. She contends that keeping the animals as pets is cruel and that domesticating them is not feasible.

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Got it licked: The slow loris has a serrated sublingua - under-tongue - of a slow loris sticks out beneath the primary tongue

A team of researchers, led by Munds and Professor Anna Nekaris of Oxford Brookes University, observed the animals living in the forests of Borneo and the Philippines and found that the original single species contained animals with significantly different body sizes, fur thickness, habitats and facial markings.

Museum specimens, photographs and live animals helped primatologists parse out four species from the original one.

But the new species of slow loris, named Nycticebus kayan, has gone unrecognised until now, in part due to its nocturnal lifestyle.

Animals that are active at night rely less on visual clues, and can therefore appear more similar to one another.

So the scientists had to look hard to discover the differences between the new species, and focused primarly on facial markings.

And the researchers found there to be four species of slow loris in the Philippines and Borneo, each with their own, subtly different but distinct head markings.

Conservatrion: Rachel Munds (left), doctoral student in anthropology at Missouri University, and Anna Nekaris, primatology professor at Oxford Brookes University, pose with a tarsier, another species of nocturnal primate

Previously there was thought to be just one species, called N. menagensis.

Two of these new species, N. bancanus and N. borneanus, were previously considered subspecies of N. menagensis. N. kayan, is new to science.

'In Borneo in particular, from where three of the new species hail, this will mean that three new lorises will be added as threatened to some degree on the IUCN Red List of threatened species,' said Prof Nekaris.

She warned of the threats to the animals that comes from their trade, driven by demand for lorises as pets

'YouTube videos of lorises being tickled, holding umbrellas or eating with forks have become wildly popular,' said Anna Nekaris, study co-author, primatology professor at Oxford Brookes University and MU graduate. 'CNN recently promoted loris videos as "feel good" entertainment. In truth, the lorises gripping forks or umbrellas were simply desperate to hold something.

'The arboreal animals are adapted to spending their lives in trees constantly clutching branches. Pet keepers rarely provide enough climbing structures for them.'

The animals also are used in Asian traditional medicines. The methods used to extract the medicines can be exceedingly violent, according to Nekaris, who also is director of the slow loris advocacy organisation, Little Fireface Project.

Cruel trade: Slow lorises for sale in Möng La, Shan, Myanmar

Sick: The teeth of a juvenile slow loris being removed by an animal trafficker
作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2012-12-18 03:35 PM

[轉貼]叢林小精靈 可愛但毒性致命 婆羅洲發現新品種懶猴!

Discovery: A new species of slow loris - the Nycticebus k ...
vandas 發表於 2012-12-18 02:20 PM
Thanks for such detailed information & pictures!!
作者: jack1n9    時間: 2012-12-18 06:27 PM

Amazing!!! Thank you for the generous great sharing, may God bless you ....
作者: 2475    時間: 2012-12-18 09:44 PM

哇...好恐怖 但好神奇thx sharing!
作者: hamtu5168    時間: 2013-1-6 09:50 AM     標題: 叢林小精靈 可愛但毒性致命 婆羅洲發現新品種懶猴!







科學家最近在印尼婆羅洲發現新物種的小型夜行性靈長類動物。經分析臉部細微特徵後,確認是新品種的懶猴,並將之名為Nycticebus kayan。


英美的研究團隊先後在婆羅洲和菲律賓總共發現三種新種懶猴,先前科學家發現的另外兩種新種懶猴,原以為是Nycticebus menagensis懶猴的亞種,如今也被證實是全新物種,並將這兩種新懶猴命名為Nycticebus bancanus與Nycticebus borneanus。

研究人員表示,懶猴基因類似狐猴,主要生長在南亞一帶。國際自然保護聯盟(IUCN)紅色名單(Red List)上, 將懶猴被列為瀕危物種。專家警告,將此種動物分成四個不同的物種,也意味著牠們面臨滅絕的風險更大

原文網址: ETtoday國際新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲

作者: firegir1    時間: 2013-1-7 03:12 AM

作者: abanaba    時間: 2013-1-8 07:26 AM

本帖最後由 abanaba 於 2013-1-8 07:28 AM 編輯

作者: seanyuan007    時間: 2013-1-20 10:36 PM


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