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標題: 有少少失望 [打印本頁]

作者: cheuck008    時間: 2013-7-18 11:53 AM     標題: 有少少失望

点解好好地一部航空geh 电视剧, 要放咁多感情戏系入边????
作者: limited-too    時間: 2013-7-18 12:10 PM

根本無期望, 又何奈有失望
作者: PepsiCola7Up    時間: 2013-7-18 12:53 PM

作者: jassq788    時間: 2013-7-18 05:27 PM

作者: vacationbear    時間: 2013-7-18 11:43 PM

期望 吳鎮宇show quali 了
作者: cheuck008    時間: 2013-7-19 06:15 PM

Why cant they just focus on the aviation part??? ~.~
作者: lcytvb    時間: 2013-7-19 09:56 PM

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作者: bigkingkong    時間: 2013-7-19 11:29 PM

作者: awongy    時間: 2013-7-21 12:38 AM

作者: awongy    時間: 2013-7-21 12:39 AM

作者: chyng21    時間: 2013-7-21 03:04 AM

作者: riri    時間: 2013-7-21 07:34 AM

like to watch
作者: wacojac    時間: 2013-7-21 02:11 PM

作者: liumangdewo    時間: 2013-7-21 02:12 PM

作者: kevinzheng    時間: 2013-7-21 04:18 PM

作者: 鋼仔X    時間: 2013-7-21 04:20 PM

衝上雲霄劇I   有新鮮咁tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! t' p6 |, q" p* n  |$ n0 o$ E
II 好像沒有期待中那麼好~
作者: okx321    時間: 2013-7-21 10:35 PM

作者: lasing2    時間: 2013-7-22 02:16 AM

無記95%的戲都是大搞3 4角戀
0 j$ [2 Q8 J( v4 n( u- u; Y$ M部戲越重頭就越多3 4角戀
作者: seed555999    時間: 2013-7-22 11:14 AM

作者: 爱论坛    時間: 2013-7-22 01:58 PM

作者: mhc1234567890    時間: 2013-7-23 12:48 AM

作者: 80'Sgirl    時間: 2013-7-23 10:25 AM

作者: lbleong    時間: 2013-7-23 10:46 AM

作者: okx321    時間: 2013-7-23 01:37 PM

作者: kokolee15    時間: 2013-7-24 12:53 AM

作者: aloof    時間: 2013-7-24 09:36 AM

作者: cry_tolate    時間: 2013-7-24 10:04 AM

作者: 14789632145    時間: 2013-7-25 05:59 AM

完全不好看, 太多感情線, 而且人物關係亂而且不正常.  太多三角戀.....最大問題是 江美儀 飾 方芮嘉的角色, 有不倫或不道德的性格. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; [( T1 }) [: V2 [9 F
: j1 s3 k5 h/ y- g3 A
3 x; v/ }0 i$ g- i9 ^2 Q& Y)
( g- R; P9 H: N- h7 OTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。感想:7 y$ l# C' X: Z, L. m  f5 Q5 Z2 ^1 \
一個字: 亂
" g5 S, E: C: A9 @$ w3 C3 [兩個字: 垃圾
/ |/ B4 F, h$ C2 `: o3 G4 G# s1 j. Y公仔箱論壇三個字: 冇眼睇
1 _$ G& ]/ }" V5 q4 t四個字: 不知所謂
作者: dorachan83    時間: 2013-7-25 07:38 AM

Aww.. I haven't watch a single episode, hope it is not too bad
作者: fsing1980    時間: 2013-7-25 09:11 AM

作者: mrfusion    時間: 2013-7-25 09:56 AM

Why cant they just focus on the aviation part??? ~.~$ ^* K0 `% A- G' D
cheuck008 發表於 2013-7-19 06:15 PM
* E" O1 @6 P: ^3 L2 B

$ n7 T. q, V0 J3 zTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Actually, it will probably be boring. if people want to watch aviation movie, they will watch a documentary.
作者: sych666    時間: 2013-7-25 05:07 PM

是为支持Sam哥而看。So far so good la
作者: paul10624    時間: 2013-7-25 06:55 PM

作者: alanmandy    時間: 2013-7-25 07:07 PM

作者: LIVEBAND    時間: 2013-7-25 08:29 PM

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作者: shenbeckham    時間: 2013-7-26 12:40 AM

本帖最後由 shenbeckham 於 2013-7-26 12:43 AM 編輯
7 R# {* d2 u. M5 I0 ~! R( c4 Swww3.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇2 Q! [( e3 H& u; E: D1 ^
I wonder why there isn't too much story on the flight. It's like everything has been mixed up. For example: preventing Sam to meet Summer, to advise Sam to be back to the job, Holiday's sad story, Jayden's flirting around..
0 k/ X/ Q* f4 ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThere are lots of character went missing from the previous season, but it's not being explained. These characters include Belle (Flora Chan), Donald (Sammul Chan), Chris (Bosco Wong), Zita (Michelle Ye).. Flora Chan, Sammul, and Michelle Ye have left TVB so that is why they aren't in this season. But the problem is TVB has never try to make some explanation on where these characters have gone to or why these characters have been missing. Bosco remains the actor of TVB but why is he not taking part in this drama? It's really miserable when you find too many characters went missing in action without any valid reason in this new season.
/ p0 x& q: U1 E1 h8 w' B$ A1 \
# w1 ?# z5 Z& j5 F0 }% |. a1 V6 y9 Xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbAnother very contrast scene. Back then in Triumph in the Skies 1, Sam and Vincent, being the First Officer (before promotion to become Captain) were very good in handling the airplane. They were very professional but look at Isaac, Roy, and Nick in this season. Similar as the First Officer but during their test by Jayden at the stimulation, they seems to be a beginner pilot. So the whole thing is like not logical at all. First season, First Officers were very intelligent. Second season, First Officers are very lack of experience.
- j+ w7 j5 \% D' x1 S$ `  f公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! S- X, H1 s. i* @

作者: shenbeckham    時間: 2013-7-26 12:44 AM

6# cheuck008
  I, N6 S! _2 ?; v公仔箱論壇Exactly!!
作者: shenbeckham    時間: 2013-7-26 12:47 AM

I am afraid if they concentrate too much in love story, it will end up to be something like Burning Flame 3. More on love story but less on professionalism.
作者: alanmandy    時間: 2013-7-26 11:00 AM

作者: happye608    時間: 2013-7-26 12:52 PM

我都覺得太多感情戲 !!!!
作者: 鬼虎    時間: 2013-7-27 10:24 PM

唔係少少, 係非常囉
作者: ly3155    時間: 2013-7-27 10:40 PM

一睇翻以前木村拓哉个出 梦想飞行goodluck  觉得冲上云霄好弱智
作者: cwkkin    時間: 2013-7-28 12:12 AM

作者: 991111    時間: 2013-7-28 12:14 AM

作者: comeback_mylove    時間: 2013-7-28 11:06 PM

作者: on_nine    時間: 2013-7-29 12:14 AM

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作者: dxy98    時間: 2013-7-29 02:28 AM

作者: ken139225    時間: 2013-8-3 04:46 PM

作者: xuandao    時間: 2013-8-3 07:13 PM

时隔几年 回头再看冲1 岁月带走的何止是胶原蛋白
作者: hosealiu    時間: 2013-8-3 07:31 PM

作者: bg6301    時間: 2013-8-4 11:23 AM

作者: melodysa    時間: 2013-8-4 11:31 AM

/ K* i/ N; [; _- }4 L) ]公仔箱論壇主要捧SAM哥場乍
作者: moonlight1812    時間: 2013-8-4 03:25 PM

TVB 一向方式是:無論任何題材,警匪、法律、醫療......全是糖衣外殼,其實最後都是指向感情
作者: wega_guy    時間: 2013-8-4 05:12 PM

作者: jasonsiukin    時間: 2013-8-4 09:37 PM

作者: 840280846    時間: 2013-8-6 05:28 PM

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作者: po..    時間: 2013-8-6 11:34 PM

作者: eggo88    時間: 2013-8-7 07:50 AM

Almost the entire show is about 感情. It's getting so bored to watch......very disappointed indeed.
作者: ferrangia    時間: 2013-8-11 05:36 PM

that's how it is for hong kong drama, 10% aviation 90% off topic! if you want the other way round, watch japanese drama.
作者: ho4986545    時間: 2013-8-12 03:41 AM

作者: casualwa    時間: 2013-8-12 11:04 AM

作者: bugbear1945    時間: 2013-8-12 09:45 PM

作者: yy66    時間: 2013-8-14 10:52 AM

作者: SilverFireFox    時間: 2013-8-14 02:03 PM

Not so very good now.. very boring
作者: SilverFireFox    時間: 2013-8-14 02:03 PM

actually before is very good , I think I will not see anymore
作者: toofat    時間: 2013-8-14 02:22 PM

, w  o  O+ h5 t) w然后凭着第一季的名气,旧观众也会追着看,这样做岂不一举两得?
作者: kyjumie    時間: 2013-8-15 08:40 PM

: n- F( Y; @+ B& u/ u/ d7 Q別的地方不是嗎?
作者: MRW1129    時間: 2013-8-16 06:39 PM

今次法拉好差- ?) H9 l; Z4 _; Q3 U. ]
awongy 發表於 2013-7-21 12:39 AM
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 _0 P( u& j* m, J- K6 `* c
- h0 M. Y$ j8 R* L) W4 Z
作者: Silver_Fish    時間: 2013-8-18 03:30 AM

作者: Silver_Fish    時間: 2013-8-18 03:33 AM

作者: garciabox    時間: 2013-8-18 05:22 PM


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