The pictures took by 亞良 was too far away,
it captures all the haze and smoke.
Get closer (much closer) and use a wide angle should get better result.
sallytong 發表於 2013-10-8 02:10 AM
朋友 Norman 照片供參考:(Vancouver symphony of fire 2013)
Nikon D3
exp 23.5 sec
iso 200
focal length 60mm
low ISO sharper picture.
sallytong 發表於 2013-10-8 02:04 AM
sallytong兄收到, 上述我SAVE左, 你張相真係好正, 點解師兄們一講我明少少, 買左一疊書~看極都唔明, 再謝謝sallytong兄指示, 版主哥我會買廣角鏡
哦`ISO我用錯左, 好```沒有煙花, 找個雪梨歌劇院影下先, 謝 ...
亞良 發表於 2013-10-8 03:18 PM
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