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標題: 梅里星空及雪山 [打印本頁]

作者: cowben    時間: 2014-8-30 01:34 PM     標題: 梅里星空及雪山

作者: g650609    時間: 2014-8-30 07:40 PM

作者: tommyho126    時間: 2014-9-5 12:17 AM

真美麗 感謝樓主分享
作者: kine2009    時間: 2014-9-5 10:14 PM

金顶雪山!璀璨星空 美啊~拍的好片子!
作者: tomlin820    時間: 2014-9-6 04:13 PM

一望無際的星空公仔箱論壇4 }+ ~9 V' G( d( c1 D
作者: cowben    時間: 2014-9-13 03:18 PM

作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-9-22 10:28 AM

The night sky is always fascinating, views like that is only available to those who lives or visit the country area far away from the city night light.
4 C" e" P9 w  X- @) hWhen looking up to the sky, I can see there are billions of galaxy, stars systems, and there must be plenty of planet like ours.  Many of these starlight took hundreds of light years to reach our eyes; so what we are looking at might be just a mirage that is long gone.  It makes our life so insignificant, and yet this very short time so precious.  So try to enjoy each moment that is coming and passing ... so quickly ...
/ D6 _  ]$ p* y' c# Wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
- i; y% A7 E* V) K! A/ hIs the image of the snow peak taken while traveling on the plane?  With the hill top rising above the cloud line, and it looks to be summer time too.

作者: SweetLemon    時間: 2014-9-22 08:26 PM

梅里雪山 I% o! L0 _# z# Q7 }7 B% w5 s
梅里雪山(Meri Snow Mountain)又称雪山太子,位于云南省迪庆藏族自治州德钦县东北约 10公里的横断山脉中段怒江与澜沧江之间,平均海拔在6000米以上的有13座山峰,称为“太子十三峰”,主峰卡瓦格博峰海拔高达6740米,是云南的第一高峰。2 L4 p& G% d/ n: C. C! Y3 A
3 Y8 j& m, M3 y* Y& z0 ~
樓主的足跡遍布 台灣  奧地利  匈牙利  捷克  克羅地亞  大陸,有您在此分享遊記實是風景貼圖區的榮幸。
作者: 1477263524    時間: 2021-5-18 06:11 PM

非常美的星空  ,感谢分享
作者: denison    時間: 2021-7-24 12:22 AM

感覺是大砲相機拍的 真清楚 滿天星河~

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