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標題: 科比,关于MVP评选的不公与否 [打印本頁]

作者: kingjames    時間: 2008-3-31 04:01 AM     標題: 科比,关于MVP评选的不公与否

Kobe Bryant Was Never Robbed


Consistency is key.


In recent years, the outcry amongLakers and Kobe Bryant fans has been that Kobe Bryant has been robbedof MVP Awards that he rightly deserved. This year, with LeBron Jamesoften considered a front-runner in the MVP race despite his team’slackluster record, the indignant outcry has grown even louder:  “Kobewas robbed the last two years!”

几年来,有个声音流在科比和湖人的粉丝中流传,科比似乎被剥夺了MVP的评选权利,而这个奖项本该是他囊中之物。而今年,当球队战绩暗淡的勒布朗·詹姆斯一度领跑 MVP排行榜时,这样的声音更大了:“科比过去两年都应该得到MVP奖杯的!”

No, he wasn’t.


Lakers fans, it’s time for a wake-upcall: When you claim that Kobe was robbed the last two years, youundermine your position that LeBron James doesn’t deserve it this year.By claiming that Kobe deserved the Award the last two years, you are,in fact, legitimizing LeBron’s candidacy for the Award.


The idea that Kobe deserved the awardfor the last two years was based on his league-leading offensiveproduction and his ability to carry a very weak team to the Playoffs.Based on a literal definition of the term “Most Valuable Player,” thiswould seem to make sense. However, if we hold to that definition of theMVP, then LeBron clearly fits the bill better than Kobe this year.LeBron’s offensive production this year eclipses Kobe’s, and he iscarrying a much weaker team than Bryant’s Lakers into the Playoffs.


The argument for Bryant as thisyear’s MVP is not based on either of these criteria. Instead, it isbased on the criteria that prevented him from winning the award in thepast: his team’s record, and his role as the leader and most valuableplayer on one of the best teams in the league. It is based on thiscriteria that Bryant is the current favorite to win the award, whileJames is one loss away from no longer being a valid candidate.


More than anything else, consistencyis what I demand from Bryant’s critics. In fact, it’s what I demand ofeveryone. As such, it is only natural that I be held to the samestandard, and it should follow that I hold myself to the that standard.


It is for this reason that, if theCavs defy their current pace and manage 50 or more wins this season, Iwould fully expect Cavs fans, LeBron James fans, and all those whoconsider James this season’s MVP to hold me to my own criteria for theMVP Award. And they would be justified in doing so. In fact, let metake a moment to do so right now: If the Cavs win every single one oftheir remaining games to reach the 50-win mark, I will consider LeBronJames a valid candidate for MVP consideration.


Let’s bring this full circle, back toKobe Bryant. Nearly two months ago, I wrote an article entitled LeBron& Fans Experience the “Bryant-Nash Rule”, arguing that based on thecurrently accepted criteria for MVP — criteria that is thoroughlyreinforced by 25 years of precedence — James does not meritconsideration in the MVP debate. Lakers fans and Bryant fansemphatically agreed.


Later that month, I wrote an articleentitled Kobe Bryant: MVP, in which I evaluated all four of theconcensus MVP candidates, and argued that Kobe Bryant is the clearchoice for this year’s MVP. In this article, I reiterated the pointthat the Cavs’ record “does not satisfy the minimum requirement for MVPcandidacy.”


Throughout all of this, I never hearda single complaint from a Lakers fan regarding my assertion that LeBronJames does not deserve consideration this year. Not once did a KobeBryant fan suggest that because he felt Bryant had deserved it theprevious two years, James deserves it this year for all of the samereasons.


So far, not one has been willing toconceed the point. And again, Lakers fans felt vindicated, claimingthat if LeBron’s advocates are unwilling to recognize Kobe’saccomplishments over the past two years, then they have no ground onwhich to stand for advocating LeBron this year. And they were correct.


But this is a two-way street, andBryant’s advocates must be held to the same standard they apply toothers. If they claim that Bryant deserved the MVP Award in 2006 and2007, then they must also conceed that James deserves it for 2008.


So I’ll say it again: Kobe Bryant wasnever robbed. Not in 2006, when he averaged over 35 points per game,including a historical 81 points in a single game, and led a terribleLakers team to 45 wins and a near upset of the Suns in the first roundof the Playoffs. Not in 2007, when he again led the league in scoringand carried a Lakers team made weak by endless injuries into thePlayoffs.


A statement I hear with increasingfrequency is that the MVP Award has been compromised and lost allcredibility. The idea is that MVP voting has been so arbitrary and soinconsistent that the validity and legitimacy of the award have beenundermined.


I disagree.


Dirk Nowitzki and Steve Nash, inparticular, are cited as two primary reasons for which the award is nolonger “legitimate” — Nowitzki because he and his Mavericks disappearedin the Playoffs and were swept by the 8th seed Warriors, and Nashbecause many, especially Lakers fans, feel that there were betterchoices (namely, Bryant).


But this ignores the fact that theMVP Award is a regular season award. A player’s performance in thePlayoffs has absolutely no bearing on the MVP Award. During the regularseason, Dirk Nowitzki was unquestionably the best player on a team thatwon 67 games. To put that in perspective, this year’s Celtics are onpace for 65 wins.


Meanwhile, Steve Nash’s MVP seasonsalso adhered to the traditional NBA criteria for the MVP. In 2004-05,the Suns had the best record in the NBA with 62 wins. In 2005-06, onlyDetroit and San Antonio had better records, and the success of both ofthose teams was attributed more to their team-oriented system than to asingle player, whereas Nash rightfully deserved much of the credit forthe Suns’ success.


In fact, I would argue that MVPvoting over the past 25 years has been remarkably consistent. SinceMoses Malone in 1982, no MVP winner has led his team to fewer than 50wins (strike-shortened season not included, of course). In fact, onlytwice in that same time period has the MVP come from a team with fewerthan 55 wins: Michael Jordan with 50 wins in 1988, and Steve Nash with54 wins in 2005.


Kobe Bryant was not robbed of the MVPAward in 2005 and 2006. He did not deserve it in either of those years.In fact, to have awarded it to him would have shown bias in his favor.Lakers fans have complained that many are attempting to “adjust thefinish line in LeBron James’ favor.” If Bryant had won the award ineither 2005 or 2006, the same assessment could correctly have beenapplied to him.


Lakers fans, I’m asking the samething of you that I require of those who advocate for James overBryant: some consistency, please. You are correct when you say thatLeBron James should not win the award this year for the same reasonsthat Kobe Bryant did not win it the last two years. But when you claimthat Bryant was robbed of the MVP Award in 2005 and 2006, you undermineyour own position.


He was certainly the “Most ImpressivePlayer” over the last couple years — a term more and more people areusing these days — but Kobe Bryant was not the MVP in either of thelast two years.



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