You can use two kind of tea bag, Lipton and some other in good aroma to do the same aspriative one. Of course, it is the only way can get it closeer with the hong kong style.作者: yappyha 時間: 2008-6-16 09:48 PM
呢些係人地做生意的秘方﹐又點會比你呀!作者: mike11872 時間: 2008-6-17 12:55 AM
用2teaspoon Lipton tea leaves(yellow label) for 1 cup 奶茶, 但一定要用开水褒 2 分钟, 等1 分钟后 ,加3 花谈奶,,什么茶叶 都没用 ,一定 要 褒 茶味才出来作者: 柔 時間: 2008-7-19 07:13 AM
好多谢各位 !!!作者: ymcheung 時間: 2008-7-27 11:38 PM
also, the Da Pai Dong ,keep pouring from 1 container to another is let is Oxide,,just like when you keep tea after boil for 10min, it will change oxide effect,,very close to Da Pai dong Milk tea,, but....must boil the tea leaves and hot water...NEVER just pour hot water into tea and container. MUST BOIL,,,,your flavor will be 90% close for sure作者: 柔 時間: 2008-8-25 06:22 AM
thank you very much !!!作者: kko338 時間: 2008-8-25 11:34 AM
Thanks for sharing.作者: hr8828 時間: 2008-10-6 08:18 PM
thank a lot作者: leocwai 時間: 2008-11-6 02:39 AM
i got it~~~ thanks all~~作者: 551225 時間: 2010-6-27 05:18 AM
thank you very much作者: 551225 時間: 2010-8-4 07:32 AM
thank you for sharing作者: yiuwaifong 時間: 2011-9-6 09:46 PM