·········最近少见的一篇好文章了,尤其那句:我覺得我很差勁、外表也不好看,所以我看到的,都是比我美的,所以早就覺得全世界都是好的、都是美的,都值得微笑、高興。 6 d. z+ \, Q7 B0 C, `- Q/ P. _tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwww3.tvboxnow.com. r V! \4 F( t0 V H
的确,做人,首先就要自己看得起自己,才能够让其他人看得起自己作者: saiwa 時間: 2007-2-6 01:59 AM
梅英有一次在聊天時,告訴帥癩蛤蟆說:「可是我呢?我覺得我很差勁、www3.tvboxnow.com* u. @5 R' I2 x4 i; l" @
7 {* a, Y$ F# p: h( s# Y9 @( k外表也不好看,所以我看到的,都是比我美的, 8 s2 B( o6 e) [1 }! {www3.tvboxnow.com4 Z( q) V, \; e
所以早就覺得全世界都是好的、都是美的,都值得微笑、高興。」" R) b! W* M* h. m# n
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ q* A3 ^* q3 \4 T
very very nice!! yes, don't we always think we are better than that someone else? we sometime think we are so great that we can only match up with perfect guy or girl but they always seem to go with that someone you think is ugly. ironic. if you don't think of yourself as that big, self-center... you will be much much happier because the earth does not circulate around you.>:D<作者: 蓝莓QQ 時間: 2007-2-6 04:20 PM
我覺得我很差勁、外表也不好看,所以我看到的,都是比我美的,所以早就覺得全世界都是好的、都是美的,都值得微笑、高興。www3.tvboxnow.com' D4 v: m3 b7 o( S h
. H- J. @) ] y1 i& C. }! rTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 l9 o2 z( ]: u( N
that's why i thought about myself too.... but not anymore作者: 老頑童abc 時間: 2007-3-8 05:51 AM
一篇好好的文章作者: hildaha 時間: 2007-3-8 12:55 PM
Don't over look the importance of inner beauty, it weighs more than the external handsome 公仔箱論壇$ `8 {4 k" _4 R4 r% G4 @ look.作者: e_kwock 時間: 2007-3-8 01:04 PM
right作者: kk0000 時間: 2007-3-9 12:44 AM
support作者: khoko 時間: 2007-3-9 03:36 PM
擁有幫助人的善心﹐才是最漂亮的。作者: hosm303 時間: 2007-3-15 12:32 AM