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標題: [處理器] 请专家指点一下Core i5@Core i7 的CPU怎么样? [打印本頁]

作者: leo959    時間: 2010-1-4 01:57 AM     標題: 请专家指点一下Core i5@Core i7 的CPU怎么样?

请专家指点一下Core [email=i5@Core]i5@Core[/email] i7 的CPU怎么样?
作者: estriker2020    時間: 2010-1-5 12:53 AM

is no same la... i5 for low in market....i7 for high in market....
作者: BiBe    時間: 2010-1-5 05:57 AM

it just depands on what u looking for , i7 is top of the range (of course apart from the intel extreme cpu) & i5 still not bad it is on mid range or better. if u not using ur pc to earn money , u don't need a i7 yet
作者: cosmo90    時間: 2010-1-9 12:32 AM

Intel I5 totally different with I7. Intel i7 normally is for more powerful user :performance good and fast process
as a student or worker(no multimedia user)... are no using so powerful processor except u taking play powerful game. Core 2 Quad also is a better choice for student compare with i5 and i7
作者: sorcerer    時間: 2010-1-19 07:35 AM

i7 is the fastest but also the hottest. I've got i5 which uses less watts than i7, but more than my C2D system. In my opinion most people do fine with C2Ds. If you are getting a new system, perhaps wait for i3 because it's most power efficient for most people.

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