It's really touch story. I am proud of the driver.作者: mountain220 時間: 2010-1-29 04:30 PM
作者: kenthevk 時間: 2010-1-29 10:51 PM
true story or not, just feel so upset after reading it.作者: m5522f 時間: 2010-1-30 09:44 PM
哎,自古红颜多薄命啊作者: ZAIA 時間: 2010-1-31 05:03 PM
原來个女係多謝个男人~~^0^作者: mr.zha 時間: 2010-2-2 09:07 PM
哈哈~这故事骗人的。。。明明就是一部叫做滚球王的漫画里瞎掰出来的啦~作者: Kutin 時間: 2010-2-4 12:49 AM
those other people that didn't help her deserve to die , I know she tried to kick that guy out so he won't get hurt . Since he is the only one that helped her. Is so sad though that the bus driver have to take her life like that .作者: fannhf 時間: 2010-2-4 02:34 AM
What ever the story is true or not, the story is touching作者: rbtkurt 時間: 2010-2-7 10:03 AM
thanks for sharing作者: mengood 時間: 2010-2-11 04:34 PM
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽作者: syyou1234 時間: 2010-2-12 10:24 AM
我有第过cntv 嚄作者: bibi_ki 時間: 2010-2-12 08:16 PM
thanks for sharing作者: walfewalfe 時間: 2010-2-12 10:09 PM
不知是真是假作者: alain8888 時間: 2010-2-13 03:53 AM
true or not, it's a very touching story...作者: plsk6554 時間: 2010-2-13 12:37 PM
好心的人终究有福报!作者: zer@tul 時間: 2010-2-18 01:18 PM
讲义气的女人。。。公仔箱論壇- y9 l3 z* g+ u1 V
赞!!作者: lowjiange 時間: 2010-2-27 11:59 AM
最可怕不是歹徒,而是人心!作者: popo427 時間: 2010-2-27 02:02 PM
thank you for sharing作者: bronzesaint 時間: 2010-2-27 05:00 PM