菲律賓屬於熱帶海洋性氣候,每年的12月到翌年的4月是旱季,也是最適宜旅遊的時期——此時白天天氣溫暖、晝夜溫差略大,牛仔褲、短袖T恤外加一件薄外套足以應付。作者: kimmi8k 時間: 2010-3-17 02:51 AM
Didn't look pictures to me. Is like paradise a hearthrob to me. My philipino friends often boast about the beautiful beaches and the great scenic there. Not so good economy,but indeed a very beautiful place to spend a vacation. Thank you for the pics., they are all must go for myself too.Like bchew..must first accumulate in the bank make some good "M"