李白是杨士惠大师热衷表现的人物题材之一,它采用浪漫主义手法,打破了亚洲人的身长比例,以夸张的形式刻画了李白狂傲不羁、傲慢洒脱的诗仙形象。作者: bklim38 時間: 2010-4-24 10:14 AM
没错是很漂亮。作者: beckyken 時間: 2010-4-24 12:55 PM
I like the collection of ivories, which is not the same as gold or silver products. It is some kind of noble material / product. It gave me a soft feel, but it is actually feeling hard. The above sculpture are really detail. they are not just a kind of art, but also having highest sculpt skill.