發表於 2014-3-21 06:20 AM
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本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2014-3-21 06:27 AM 編輯
2# chowold2
ChowOld, you might not be aware that yesterday was the "World Happiness Day";
but you sure have totally ruined it. (An understatement!)
I do take offense of being called "半個鬼佬".
I am just one of the individual who is content of being who I am, where I live
and how I live. It's all my own choice, and I consider myself very fortunate to be opportune enough
for being able to make these decisions.
Its beautiful here in term of both the environment and life style.
I have many friends from a diverse ethnic background and culture, and I truly respect all of them.
True my Chinese is getting rusty. But I do remember at my school days, if I wrote using
colloquial dialect, I would get a big red cross on my work. Your writing reflects your
level of literal proficiency and ability to express yourself properly.
If you have the audacity to call yourself an authentic Chinese,
tell us what contribution, if any at all, you have given to the Chinese society whether
it be in HongKong or in China.
As for gardening practice, it requires a decent mind, proper attitude and real appreciation of
the beauty of the nature. Never take advice from some one with a big ego but
and no practical experience. Avoid sewer advice such as "每月要施肥一次". etc, etc.
All these comment are direct at you only, there is no reflection on any others. The pleasure is all mine. |
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow. |