發表於 2014-3-31 10:09 AM
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A quick walk through my rossy patch
本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2014-3-31 10:18 AM 編輯
Here are some of the roses that are growing in my front garden.
They have been planted there for about 8 months in a sunny disposition. (about 5 hours of direct sunlight)
They are irrigated with timed drip irrigation, 10 minutes at 6 am. on every other day.
The drip filter delivers right to the trunk at a rate of 4 liters per hour,
so there is not much watering at all.
The roses are mostly from a famous nursery which specialize on breeding roses.
There are quite a few other different plants and citrus trees in my front garden too,
the ground is very well mulched to avoid weeds infestation.
Here is a quick walk through of the roses in alphabetic order:
Celine Debarb - She is a real beauty, so proud, so bright, strong stem,
The bloom is bigger than my open hand, not so fragrant though.
Charles Darwin - An alright breed, big flower bud,
very dense petals packed like a cabbage, blooms look spectacular.
The problem is the stem is not strong enough to hold the bloom.
Bought from a retail shop instead of the nursery.
Fragrant Plum - A Very prolific blooming rose, big blooms, very fragrant;
I have a few of this and they have continuously giving me lovely flower.
Grand Nord - Big white blooms, strong stem.
Very attractive.
First release.
Guy Savoy - An exotic breed, big blooms, strong stem kind of pale orange colour,
Very attractive.
I think this is the first release.
Jumping Jack - What a name, the blooms just keeps poping up all the time, bright red roses,
very prolific, a very happy plant.
Love Potion - Remember the song "Love Potion"? If you do, then we are of the similar vintage.
Medium size bloom, but the perfume; OMG!.
Moon Stone - This one is exceptional, very exquisite, so pretty,
strong stem, big bloom too.
My Hero - The breeder must be very proud with this one to call her my hero,
big beautiful bloom, very fragrant.
Neptune - This one is grafted onto the same root stock as My Hero,
incredible fragrant, big bloom, strong stem.
One Love - Very prolific bloom, usually 3 to five on one stem, big blooms too. Here are 2 loves.
Simplicity Red - Bight red with well form bloom, big petals, another happy rose.
That's all folks. Thanks for sharing.
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